Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sweet Tea Tirimasu

I'm not a food blogger.  But I made a new recipe for sis#3's birthday and I wanted to tell you about it. 

I get Southern Living magazine.  One of the boys had a fundraiser and it was cheap.  I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I'm finding it's one of my favorite publications.  A couple issues ago the cover story was sweet tea.  Who doesn't love a swig of ice cold sweet tea????  Well, maybe there's a lot of people, but I'm not one of them.

There were several interesting recipes in the article using sweet tea in food not just for a refreshing drink.  I saw the picture of the "Sweet Tea Tirimasu" and I knew it was one to try.  I love tirimasu and so do the sisters!  I've never made it though.  Sis#3 has gluten allergies.  That makes cooking challenging sometimes, but these days there are many gluten free products on the market including lady fingers.  However, I didn't know the size and texture of the GF lady fingers were not the same as the regular ol' cookies. 

Let's just say it didn't turn out perfect.  But, it was good enough for sis to like it since it had been years since she was able to eat this yummy dessert in a restaurant.  And, I must say, the sweet tea  flavor instead of coffee flavor wasn't the best.  Too much sweetness.  Next time we'll do the coffee version and be sure to soak those big cookies in the coffee and I think it'll be a hit.

At least it will be a hit with the girls in the family!  Apparently, boys don't eat tirimasu! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Brothers Grimm

I've written about the "cat brothers" on here once or twice, maybe more.  Cats are a mystery to me!  We are dog people around here so our cat experience is very limited. 

Since the big fight a few weeks ago the brothers are not speaking.  Indy has taken up residence at the barn completely.  Which is completely fine since we got them both to be barn cats!  He doesn't venture away from there much these days.  We were filming down  by the barn with the boys a few days ago and he decided to hang with us.  I noticed that he had a big swollen lump on his forhead that he wouldn't let me touch.   I guessed it was a war wound.   It wasn't long til I saw Ranger wandering up.  Bad news.  I saw them doing the big stare down and ran one of them off with my palm leaf hat.  Indy was doing that growl noise that is very, very weird. 

That night I took some food down to the barn and Indy was excited.  The next morning I saw that the big swollen spot had broken open and drained.  He seemed like his old self.  But, Ranger wasn't with me. 

I bet the growl would've shown up if he had! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Bug Incident

This story will not be for everyone.  Proceed with CAUTION!

Summer is here.  Bugs are in the air.  Sometimes crazy things happen. 

I was walking to Grandma's the other evening probably around 8pm.  Just about the time I got to the edge of her yard a bug flew up my nose.  I'm talking this bug never slowed down til it hit the top of my sinus cavity!

I thought I might have to go to the emergency room for an extraction!!

I tried all the usual stuff.  I won't go into detail here because I'm sure you can use your imagination how I would try to get a bug out of my nose.  Let's just say it wasn't pretty!  And if the government really has people watching from the sky, whoever had my watch was sorry they weren't watching anyone else in these United States at that moment!

I don't know if it ever came out.  The next morning I thought I felt something crawling up in there.  Kinda freaked me out.  It was probably just a mental thing, heavy on the mental!

So.........everyone be careful when walking outdoors.  I'm just glad it wasn't a bird.  Imagine how bad that would've been!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ruby and The King

Is it normal for a 16 month old baby to be able to know who George Strait is?  It's not my fault!  I promise!

This morning after Ruby and I was outside for a while trying to beat the heat of the afternoon, I thought I'd get on the computer and see if I could get a listen to The King's new single.  I went to the website to see if it was playing in full there, it's not by the way, but a little teaser plays on the home page.

Ruby left her toys and Mickey Mouse in the living room to run and have a listen herself!  She climbed up in my lap and wanted more.  So.....we went to you tube to find some videos.  I think her favorite was "Amarillo by Morning".  There's lots of rodeo scenes playing while a very young George is singing.  I asked her who was singing. 

That's when it happened.  She said, "George Strait"  plain as day!!  Since this is the first time she and I have had a talk about George I'm gonna say it's her Momma's doin.

I can't imagine George will still be on tour when Ruby get's old enough to go to a concert.  I'd like to think so, but probably not.  She probably wouldn't want to go with her ancient Aunt anyway.  Let's see, I was 15 the first time I saw him at the Oklahoma State Fair Rodeo.  George would only be in his late 60's by then. 

It could happen.  Maybe she wouldn't mind after all.  Especially if I buy her a ticket!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brother against Brother

We've got cat trouble.  When there's two boy cats and one girl cat I think there's no good way to fix it.  Well, there's a good way, but no time for that as of now.

The cat brothers, Indy and Ranger, have been fighting over the neighbor girl.  So far I think Indy is winning.  I haven't seen him for several days now.  Not even at supper time.  Ranger looks like he's been in a cat fight!  And he's hanging around looking dejected and skinny.  Lucky for him Spring, the dog, doesn't seem to notice.

The other night I was up at my folks, like usual, and Aunt Cathy came in the house and said the cats were in a big fight down by sis#3's house.  I headed that way with her.  By the time we got there the fight was over and no cats were to be seen.  Hoss comes running from the other side of their house and hollered, "Aunt Red, you missed the best fight ever!"

Typical for a 7 year old boy! 

He wanted to know what they were fighting about.  I don't remember what I said exactly, but I told him we'd have to take them to the vet to get them fixed.  He asked, "What can the vet do to fix the fighting?" 

My response, "He can just fix it!"  I figure his mother can handle all those kind of questions!!! 

That's not in this aunt's job description.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hot in June

Can it be June?  It's feeling like mid July!!!  It's always hard for me to adjust, actually I never do, to summer.  I'm just not a summer person.  Some people love it.  They crave the water and sun!

The facts are that my skin just isn't made for summer.  Nor are my perspiration glands!  I put on sunscreen often.  As soon as it hits my skin the perspiration glands kick in and it runs off. 

What's a girl to do?

I know, AIR CONDITIONING!  Whoever invented the air conditioner is my hero!!!  I crave it.  I love it!!!  I really, really, really need it!!!!!!!