Friday, May 29, 2009

The Princess of the Family

Well, it's time to talk about my only niece, Jessie Jane. We wanted my sis and brother-in-law to name her that for real, but sis backed out. It was something about being named after an outlaw. I think it's cute as all get out and would've fit her perfectly. So, she'll be Jessie Jane here. At 9 months and the youngest of the herd she's something else! All the boys dote on her like crazy. Hoss and Rowdy are her older brothers and sis #3 is her mom. Hoss is a great big brother. Rowdy is learning, but mostly, he thinks she's in the way. She's learning to holler when Rowdy's standing in front of her and she can't see "Blue's Clues. " He would have a fit if she stood in front of him!!! We'll see how it goes over the next few years and if anyone else has a girl. She could be the lone cowgirl of the next generation. Wow, what a thought! Coming from a family of four girls and one boy it's hard to imagine she could be the only one.

When sis #3 told us she was having a girl I was shocked. I figured it wouldn't be long til she was swinging a big stick and had all the boys wrapped around her little finger. That's just about right! She started out tiny, but I think she can handle a big stick now!!

It's gonna be so much fun watching her grow up! I hope it doesn't happen too fast. She'll have to slow up a bit so I can keep up with her!!! And if any boy thinks he can get past Hoss, Rowdy, and Aunt Red to get to Jessie Jane, well, good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

King George

This is gonna wander away from my time as Aunt Red and gonna be just about me. I love George Strait! I admit it and I know I'm not the only one. Last night I watched the last half of the special on CBS that was a tribute to the King with lots of country(some not so country) stars singing his songs. I had started the vcr before I went out to feed so I had to rewind and watch the first part when it was over. I was impressed with how well everyone did. I imagine it would be very tough to sing someone else's song and try to get it right!

I have been a fan since I was 12. At this time in country music it seems like it was more of a pop type thing goin on. I had grown up listening to Bob Wills and kinda liked old school type country music. So, when I saw Mr. Strait the first time on "Pop Goes the Country" with Ralph Emery singing "Fool Hearted Memory" I about dropped over. I couldn't believe there was a guy who was singing a real country song who looked like a roper!! I was hooked. I guess I missed his first song "Unwound". Back then it was hard for me to listen to the radio too much. Dad wasn't a fan of country music so mostly I had to sneak a listen when I could. That wasn't always easy! I saw him at the Fair Rodeo in OKC the first time when I was 15. A couple years ago I went with my brother and sis-in-law to see him again in OKC. The concert was better then than 20 something years before. There's something to be said for a performer who gets better with age.

I've never met him but I have been within a few feet of him many times. I have talked with his wife several times over the years, however, and she's nice but very shy and reserved. She probably never dreamed when she married George that her life would be like it is now. My brother met George a few years ago down by San Antone. He was with a guy who knew George well and introduced them. Brother said he seemed like a nice guy. All of the guys went to go eat lunch and brother stayed at the trailer with the horses. While they were gone brother took a picture of George's tan Chevy truck for us. I was happy with that!!

Anyway, I guess you get the picture. I've been told that I haven't been able to find a husband because my ideals were too high. "If you keep waiting for a George Strait look alike you'll never find him." Oh my lands! I've heard that so many times!!! Well, I think that's a stretch. I don't think I've been waiting for the George clone, but why settle for less than exactly what a girl wants, right? Who wouldn't want a guy who can sing, play guitar, ride a horse and rope, has a great smile, is humble and not an egomaniac, and has loads of money to boot.

Sounds like no brainer to me!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Papa's Little Cowboy

Buzz has a little brother who will be 3 Aug. 1. He would be nephew #5. I'm gonna call him Woody. My dad call's him Papa's Little Cowboy. He's kinda in the "terrible two's" phase right now, but mostly he's very, very sweet. Woody is so much fun to be around because he has the quickest wit for a kid his age I've ever seen. He also know's how to push Buzz's buttons. He's got that mastered already. It's amazing to me how siblings can come from the same parents and be so different! Woody is very independent and doesn't expect everyone to wait on him. If he wants milk, he goes to the fridge and gets it. Now, there'll probably be a huge mess to clean up, but he's trying. This would be what he inherited from my sister. She's the button pushing, tractor driving, trailer backing, I can do anything sister of the family! She was always saying "I wonder what this does?", and while I was hollering "Don't touch that!" she was getting it figured out.

Brother Buzz, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He loves to be waited on and tries all he can to get me and others to get him this or that as often as possible.

I think Buzz gets this from his dad's side of the family!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Crazy Family Weekend!

I'm trying to recover from our big family weekend. My mom once said to someone that our family was like "the Walton's on heroine". Now, let me just say that none of us have ever used heroine, smoked it, snorted it, or whatever is done with that stuff. We just happen to be a little wired up naturally!!! It was mom's 60th birthday on Sunday. She shares her birthday with nephew #4, aka Rowdy (Hoss's little brother). That's kinda something since he looks so much like her! We celebrated her birthday with a very tasty smoked brisket and all the fixins on Saturday evening with the family and a few friends. There were probably 20 of us. We then had Rowdy's birthday bash on Monday at noon. By the time Little Joe's family and Rowdy and Hoss's family left Monday evening I was toast! Sis#2 and her crew stayed til today. They just drove off about 30 minutes ago. It's gonna be quiet at the ol' homestead tonight!!!!

Just for an update about Buzz's obsession with Aunt Red having a baby. He didn't bring it up til Sunday which was progress since he'd been here since Thursday afternoon. Eventually he'll move onto something else. I can't imagine what that will be!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good Friends

Last night I went to have supper with friends at their home. As always it was loads of fun. The food is always great, and they let me ramble on and never judge me for all the silly things I say. I have known these friends so long I can hardly remember life before them. I think that's nice! Anyway, thanks y'all for a nice evening!

Now, about nephew #3. His name is Little Joe(actually it's not, but that's his name here). Little Joe is quite the cowboy. He's 4 1/2 goin on 20. I'm fairly certain that this kid will be a heartbreaker and in all kinds of trouble throughout his life. I'm hoping he decides he only wants girls as friends til he's 30, but that's highly unlikely! Since he's the son of sis#4, who is one of the most tomboyish girls one could ever meet, he's inclined to want to fight at the drop of the hat. He also has a very tender heart. Last summer my dad's old mule he used when he was clowning died at the age of 33. Her name was Clementine and she was a very special to all of us. A few weeks after she died Little Joe and I were singing "My Darling Clementine." He started crying saying that he missed Clementine. Well, after we both stopped balling, we quit singing that right off and went a whole different direction!! I hope he stays so sweet!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Beatiful Week!

Well, we've been having a beautiful week! It's been so rainy here for the last month, but now it's like spring.

Nephew #2, we'll call him Buzz(he loves "Toy Story"), went to get enrolled in kindergarten today. I didn't realize that kindergarten in Oklahoma is an all day thing now. I guess I've been a little out of the loop til now. His teacher was very impressed with him. Buzz is SUPER smart, and I'm not just saying that because he's my nephew. I think this will be an interesting year for his teacher!!

Last time they came for a visit, this would've been about 3 weeks ago, he kept talking about finding me a husband. He said I shouldn't worry about it and someday I'd find one. I asked him why this was so important. He replied, "So you can have a baby." Not hardly BuzzBoy!!! I quickly told him that I didn't want to have a baby and it was ok if I didn't have a husband. He just kept on til I just gave up. They are coming again in a couple days. We'll see if he's still harping on the baby/hubby thing or moved onto something else. I'm all for moving on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

About being an Aunt

So, I guess I've decided that being an aunt is the best thing ever. I have 5 nephews ages 5-2, and one lovely niece who's 8 months. They are all so special in their own way! I've always loved kids, but I wasn't prepared for how much I would love being called "Aunt Red". One of my sister's, sis #3, came up with that title. Obviously, I have red hair, but I also have a sis-in-law with a name similar to mine. Sis #3 thought it would be easier for the kids to understand I guess. Well, it has stuck.
One of the funniest things was when my oldest nephew, we'll call him Hoss, and I were talking one day and I asked him if he knew why they called me Aunt Red. He didn't know. I said that it was because my hair was red. He was probably 3 1/2 or 4 at the time. Hoss said that my hair wasn't redand that it was kinda a brown color. He's so sensible! I'm so glad my hair's not the color of a fire truck!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

This will be interesting!!!

Well, for whatever reason, I've decided to start this blog. Maybe someday I'll know why!

This whole blog thing is a mystery to me. I'm not a techno savvy person and I don't want to be. But I have to admit, I'm really very curious who thought this whole thing up! When I figure out how this thing works maybe it will be fun. Right now I'm not sure.