Thursday, December 15, 2011

Indy is MIA

I was told the other evening that I had left some readers "hanging" about the kitty's.  I have no idea if that is the plural of 2 cats!'s the scoop.....Indy is gone.  I have no idea if he was snatched by the hundreds of coyotes that use our place as their highway or just decided to leave.  It's been over 2 months so I think it's permanent either way.

Ranger, however, is in great shape and loving every minute of his life as a cat that acts like a dog.  Maybe that's why he's still here!  This has never been a great place for the kitty cat.  And since he acts like a dog he can live out his days here happily as a catdog or a dogcat or whatever it is that he is. 

I'm just glad he's here!  Our rodent population is zero and that makes me HAPPY!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Belated Birthday

Ok, I'm a loser.  I try to mention in a post if there is a member of my family having a birthday.  Yesterday I forgot.  I didn't forget the birthday totally.  I just forgot to write about it on here.

My Dad's birthday was yesterday.  He turned 66.  All family members close met at El Rodeo, our favorite Mexican food spot in town, for supper and presents.  The guys brought out a sombrero and we all sang the birthday song. 

My Dad is probably the person who has influenced me most in my life.  I'll never be able to repay all the things he's done for me or the things he's taught me. 


Next year I'll remember, I hope!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Samaritin

There are still good people in the world! 

Yesterday I went with a friend to town for a house cleaning job.  I always leave the keys in the pickup in case anyone needs to move it from where I park it.  This friend has a lot of siblings!  Anyway, when we arrived back from the job that afternoon the pickup was pointed the opposite direction.  I said to friend, "They needed to move the pickup.  Oops, they found out you have to roll down the window to get out!"

I went in the house for a minute to say hi to the others then headed out.  I passed one of her brothers and we chatted for a minute.  As I was walking away he said, " I fixed your door handle." 

I was so shocked, surprised, and elated I almost jumped up and down.  He said he didn't have to go get any parts and it might not last, but a straight piece was bent and caused the problem.  I told him thanks, of course, and went on my way.  I wouldn't have even noticed had he not said anything.  I've gotten so use to rolling down the window I don't even try the handle.

As I was pulling out I wondered how he knew it wasn't working.  His sister called me about getting out of the gate and I asked  her.  She turned to him and asked him how he knew.  He replied, "I saw her roll down the window and open it from the outside."  What a guy!

So, thank you friend who I've known your whole life!!!  You gave me hope that there are still good and skillful people out there!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Well, things are underway for the big feed tomorrow!  Two turkeys were smoked out on the back porch this afternoon.  They are already looking yummy and beautiful!  I will smell of mesquite smoke for days but who cares.  My maternal grandfather would've been proud of those birds!!!

Sis#2 and family are headed this way.  Should be here any minute.  Sis#4 and family are coming early in the morning.  Sis#3 is next door and might not make it due to sick kiddos.  We'll see.  Brother and family will be out in the morning. 

It will be Rosie's first Thanksgiving and first family gathering.  I think she will be ok.  Ruby can squeal like any little toddler and she doesn't mind.  That's a good thing because it will be noisy!!!

So.....Have a wonderfully safe and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miss Rosie is here!

I have a new niece!  She came early Monday morning and is doing wonderful.  And......are you ready for this.......she has red hair! 

Yes, I know, I've said they all had red hair.  Rowdy and Ruby, Ruby more so than Rowdy,  are strawberry blondes and that's as close to red hair as we get.  But, this new little jewel's hair is dark red and I'm hoping, hoping, hoping it stays!  And if it doesn't, I'll love her anyway!!!!

This little bundle of joy is going to be named Rosie her in Aunt Red land.  Her big sister, Ruby, is loving her little sis and so far hasn't poked any eyes out. 

I spent Sunday night on a bench outside the hospital room waiting for the big moment.  Then, all of a sudden, the doc showed up and she arrived.  My sis-in-law is doing great by the way.  We can't forget about her!  She and my brother are wonderful parents and I know little Rosie is going to have a good christian upbringing. 

So.....that makes 9......3 nieces and 6 nephews.  Wahoo!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall is in the Air!!

As I'm writing this post Ruby is sitting at the same table looking through her Dora the Explorer coloring book and chattering away.  I'm wearing a sweatshirt.  This makes me happy!!!

The pumpkins are out.  The leaves are falling.  The air conditioner is turned off.  These are all things I love! 

Ruby's little sister will be making her arrival in about 3 weeks.  I'm not sure I'm ready.  My sis-in-law might punch me if she heard me say that!  I think she's ready to get this little child carrying thing over with.  I don't blame her.  I'm not sure I'd have made through the hottest summer on record expecting a baby.  I almost didn't make through anyway!

So....let's all enjoy this lovely time of year!

Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sis #2 is 40!!!!

Last Saturday was d-day for sis#2.  She turned 40!  She is the mom of Buzz, Woody, and Snort, and basically, the kind of person we all want to be.

We've always called her "Switzerland".  Meaning that she is even tempered and rarely gets fired up.   That's not saying she never gets fired up, but when she does one should watch out!!  She's not about drama.  She's not about craziness.  She's exactly the opposite of me which is probably why we've always gotten along so well. 

So......sister.......Happy 40th Birthday and I love ya!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Elephant Ride

Yes, friends, I rode an elephant today!  The circus came to town.  People do crazy things when the circus is in town! 

Mamaw(my mom) and I went to pick up Little Joe this morning for a short visit.  He'll go back tomorrow afternoon.   We though Little Joe would love the circus.  However, he didn't want to go.  We found out he has a clown issue!  Finally with a little talking and taunting we convinced him it would be ok. 

We got there plenty early to get our tickets.  There was a petting zoo with some goats, llamas, a donkey, and a mini Brahma.  That was the cutest Brahma I've ever seen!!

There were also elephant rides and camel rides.  Little Joe said no to the ride idea at first.  I said I'd ride with him.  Still no.  I said he could ride the camel instead.  Nope!  Finally, I tried some bribery.  I told him that if we rode the elephant he could have another trip down the inflated slide.  That did the trick! 

We got in line, mounted up, and took off.  Well, not really.  It was slow, and there were 2 other people on there with us!  But I'm telling you this, that was the funnest thing I've done in ages!!!!!!!'s what I'm thinking........the circus doesn't leave til tomorrow.  I could maybe, just maybe, sneak into one of the trailers and hitch a ride to the next town.  Surely they could find a job for me somewhere!  I read about a business that makes paper out of elephant manure.  I could make circus stationery!! 

The next time you hear from me I'll be in tim-buck-too scooping elephant poo!

Probably not.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Hoss!

Sunday is Hoss's birthday.  I can't believe it!!  He'll be 8 years old. 

8 years ago on September 18th at about 7:30am my life changed.  There's not doubt about it.  I have a photo of the first time I held him.  He was so little, and yet, so big.  He weighed over 9lbs. 

I dropped him off at school this morning because he missed the bus.  I wasn't too far down the road when his mom called me and asked if I could drop him off.  I pulled over and waited for them to get there.  When he got in the truck and we started talking about stuff he mentioned how excited that Buzz, Woody, and Snort were coming over today.  We discussed plans a little bit and I realized how grown up he is.  It's so crazy and scary and it's a little hard to take. 

I told Hoss that I hadn't been to that school in ages.  My siblings and I attended 4th and 5th grade in this school house.  I don't want to think how long ago that was!!!  Now it holds the 2nd and 3rd grade.  I remember thinking the old school was huge.  I bet Hoss thinks the same thing. 

And then I turned down the wrong road to get to the kid drop off side of the school and we tookt he scenic route back over there.  He was plenty early.  I was a little late to watch Ruby.  It all worked out fine. 

So......Happy 8th Birthday Hoss!!  I love ya!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aunt Red's Repair Shop

My washing machine hasn't worked in several months. worked......but it leaked like crazy.  It wasn't bad at first, and I was able to just mop up the little bit of water for quite a while.  Then about Memorial Day it was leaking more than was staying inside.  Or at least it seemed that way. 

I've been bringing my laundry to my brother and sis-in-law's house when I come to watch Ruby.  I'm so grateful they didn't mind and had a front loading, push button, beautifully blue machine!  It's the only reason I've stayed sane.  Well, probably not really sane, but it's the only reason I've had anything clean to wear in the last 3 months! 

One of the bro-in-laws took a look a while back and thought he knew what part was needed to fix the leak.  I finally got the part ordered last week and it came on Saturday.  I printed off some instructions from the internet and got with it last night about 9pm. 

Thankfully, it wasn't too technical and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble.  This was one time though that having bigger set of hands, or maybe just 3 instead of 2, would've been helpful.  I started the water filling before I put the front back on to check for leaks.  I just about did the "bug up my nose crazy dance" when there wasn't water on the floor!!! 

So....if anyone needs any help with their washing me.

However, the price is gonna be SKY HIGH!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chasing The Yellow Dog

School started back up last Friday.  Why would anyone schedule school to start on a Friday?  Makes no sense to me!

Anyway, Hoss and Rowdy get on the school bus at the end of the south driveway.  Rowdy's bus comes first at about 6:25.  Then Hoss gets on his bus at about 7. 

I go to pick up Rowdy at about 6:20.  He's not dressed.  He's not up at all!  It doesn't take long to get him dressed and out the door so I thought we were gonna be fine timewise. One problem.  As he's getting in my pickup I hear him say, "My shoe".  I look down and all I see on his right foot is a white sock.  I looked down on the ground and didn't see his shoe.  I followed the path back to his house.  No shoe.  I went back in the house.  No shoe.  I ran back to the pickup and got my flashlight and walked the path again.  No shoe.  I went back to the pickup and found it under the truck.  How'd that happen???

I was in a small panick by this time knowing we were late!  When I made the corner around the end of the house I could see the red lights of the bus in a cloud of dust headed south.  Just then sister called sayin she just saw the bus pull away.  No, really?!?  I was hitting our goat trail driveway at a high lope hoping to catch the bus before they got too far down the road. 

I caught up with them at the next stop abot 2 1/2 miles away.  I saw a kid fixin to get on the bus and was afraid they didn't see us behind them.  I jumped out of the truck and ran up to the front to make sure the driver saw me.  Sure enough, when I got about half way to the front it started rolling.  My flailing arms must've caught somebody's eye because she stopped and opened the door.  I breathlessly said, "I've got Rowdy".  She nonchalantly said, "Okay."   I think she's use to my family chasing the bus down at least once a week!

Rowdy didn't act like anything weird had happened.  That means he's use to it too.  That's kinda scary!  Come to find out, sis and Hoss had to chase his bus down also.  They had to go a little further than I did though.  I think my pickup might go faster than her "getaway van" on a gravel road. 

That was all way more excitement than I needed before 7am.  I had a chat with sis and things will be different tomorrow morning.  I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guess What?????

Forget the wrap! 

The movie's not wrapped!  What was I thinking??? 

Til it's really "in the can" I'll not make any more bold statements like "It's a Wrap"!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Now It's a Wrap.....we hope!

Ok, so I jumped the gun a little yesterday!

I got home from watching Ruby last evening and found out there was another location in town to film this morning. 

Sis #2 and her little herd came over from out west in time for the kids to wardrobe up.

The location was the Carnegie Library in Guthrie.  I've only been inside the Carnegie in the winter so I wouldn't know there is no air conditioning!  Oh my, it was a hot morning!!!  It was only 108 today!!!

We wrapped about noon and headed to eat some pizza.  Unless Papa comes up with another scene that should be the end. 

He won't come up with another scene, will he?????

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's A Wrap

The filming is over.  Wahoo!  Well, I say it's over.  Dad is going out to Western OK to get some wild tracks, or as Hoss calls it "wild turkeys",  for the last scene.  For those of you not familiar with movie lingo, a wild track is basically a voice over. 

Now it is in "post production".  That means Dad is editing.  He'll be done in a week or so.  I'll be posting the link to view this summer blockbuster soon!

I know everyone is anxiously awaiting the premier of "The Archeology Kids"!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

How To Be Humble

Today is Woody's 5th birthday.  He's spending it in the 111 degree heat making the next epic film with his brother, cousins, Mom, and Papa. 

This kid has to be one of the sweetest boys around.  He may also be one of the orneriest boys around.  One of these days we'll be able to put out a book of quotes from this kid.  I'll give you an example.  His Mom, Sis#2, shared this with me a couple days ago. 

The 3 stars of the movie(Buzz, Woody, & Hoss) were standing near the back door at Papa and MaMaw's house waiting to go out to film a scene.  Per usual, they were all arguing about who was going to go out first. 

Woody says to Hoss, "I'll be humble and let you go first!"

Hoss says, "Thanks."

Woody says to Buzz, his older brother,"Will you be humble and let me go second?"

I'm not sure how that turned out, but we all got a laugh out of it!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Movie Making With Kids

I've mentioned the fact before (I think?) that my Dad, Sis#2, and the kids are making a movie this summer.  It started out with just a couple scenes and wound up a short film.   Hoss, Woody, and Buzz are the main characters.  Little Joe, Rowdy, Snort, and Jessie Jane have small parts.  Dad and Sis#2 are the director/cinematographer/wardrobe/location scouts/crafts services/transpo/kid wranglers/horse wranglers/etc. 

Just to give you a little insight to working with kids I'll tell you what happened last night. 

I got home about 6 from my job watching Ruby.  Soon as I walked into my folks house I could tell things were happening.  The camera was set up in the dining room which is being used as Buzz's office.  Everything had to be set up just like a scene they shot a few weeks ago.  It was decided to add Jessie Jane to the cast. 

Let me tell you about Jessie Jane.  She will be 3 on August 27th.  She doesn't like to have barrettes or bows in her hair.  However, she loves to wear dresses!  And the fluffier the better.  I think she might want to wear those square dancing dresses when she grows up!!  But trying to get a big pink bow in her hair for the scene wasn't exactly a picnic!  Sis#2 had been trying to make the bow when I got home.  Somehow this got turned over to me.  Probably because she needed to get 4 boys wardrobed and ready to go.  Anyway, I worked on it for about 10 minutes and thought I had it perfect.  I then went to show the director(my Dad).  His response was, "Not exactly what I had in mind."

Needless to say I was a little frustrated.  I might not have been except a comment was made that it was wardrobes job to handle such a thing.  Well, I can tell you that didn't sit well with this frustrated hairdresser!!!!!!
Finally, Sis #2 showed back up and the two of us finally got it right. 

Time to shoot.  First take was a dud.  However, second take was pretty good.  We were hoping to get one more just to have a back up in case there was something wrong.  One problem.......Jessie Jane sulled up!  I promised ice cream.  We gave her Smarties.  I talked nice to her.  I talked mean to her.  None of it worked.  In the middle of all this Snort, who is 19 months, had a meltdown in the old timey high chair and had to get out for a minute.  This didn't help the situation with Jessie Jane. 

Dad took the camera to the computer, plugged it in, and took a look.  They got what they needed to make the scene work.  I was very relieved!

So........if one is contemplating making any type of movie with kids here's my advice:

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Red Ant vs Aunt Red!

We have loads of red ants on our place.  I'm talking big ol' hills that people are shocked to see when they come up the road by the south barn.  They look like something in a sci-fi flick!

Oddly enough, however, none of us have had too much trouble with ants.  Good things must always come to an end!!

Last Saturday night brother brought back dad's tractor since the haying was done.  I was standing at the back of the trailer when I felt something crawling on my shoulder.  I did the normal slapping and grabbing at my shirt thing.  I thought whatever it was was gone.  Then I felt a sting!  yikes!!!  If you thought the "bug up my nose dance" sounded crazy I have to say that was nothing!  I tried to look for whatever was getting me but couldn't find it.  So, I took off to the barn thinking I could undo a couple buttons and see it.  Nope!  I thought about peeling my shirt off right there but decided against it.  Mom and Dad's house isn't too far away so I headed that direction and the highest rate of speed my legs could give.  Let's just say one of the boys could've beat me! 

Anyway, I found a red ant on the waist of my jeans!  The scoundrel got me again on the stomach before I could end his hatred for mankind.  Thankfully, I'm not allergic to insect stings and the pain was semi-short lived. 

If anyone reading this calls PETA on the ants behalf I'll deny the whole thing!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

My Dad is having a back issue.  Apparantly, he slipped a disc, or something else,  a couple weeks ago and is having a hard time getting over it.  This has turned my 5'6" Dad into a 5'3" Dad at best.  It's actually painful to watch him walk.  However, many trips to the bone cracker in town is helping and we're hoping he'll be back to his tall self soon!!

I've been taking care of the chores while Dad is laid up.  Since I go to watch Ruby in the mornings I need to be at the barn by 5:30.  I don't mind this, however, if one is a night owl it is hard to get up before the dawn!  Yesterday as the radio man was waking me up I heard him say it was 85 degrees!  I thought I must've heard him wrong.  Like, I was hoping that would be the high for the day.

Not hardly!  It was a sauna out there in the pitch black dark.  Not pleasant.  We wound up setting the record high to this day at a whopping 108 degrees.  That was a little  happy birthday present to my brother who turned 34 yesterday.

I figured this morning would be the same.  I stepped out of the house and felt a strange cool breeze.  I couldn't believe how great it felt!  As I walked to the barn I saw the sky was starting to show a little pinkish hue.  By the time I got some feed divied up and went to the pasture they sky was a pinkish/orangey color that I can't describe.  The horses weren't up yet since they aren't use to the new breakfast schedule.  I hollered for them a couple times.  I went ahead and put out the grain and waited for them to make their dash to the tubs. 

That is when the magic happened!  I turned back around to see 4 head loping across the pasture with the beautiful sky behind them.  Wow!  I wish I had a camera!  I wish I could've gotten video footage! 

And then the song from the musical "Oklahoma!" popped into my head. 

"Oh what a beautiful morning!  Oh what a beautiful day!  I've got a beautiful feeling everthing's going my way!"

So far, so good!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cleaning Tanks With Boys

We had some company over the weekend.  Sis#4, bro-in-law #3, and Little Joe came to visit.  Bro-in-law got shanghaied into helping my brother in the hay field much to his dismay!  And sis#4 got in on the action a little too. 

Sunday evening I had some help down at the barn.  I use the term "help" very loosely! 

Little Joe, Hoss, and Rowdy needed a little outside time.  It was probably only 95 by 8pm so we thought they could handle it.  I guarantee they handle it better than I!

The big tank needed cleaned out and I had been waiting on the water level to drop low enough.  It was almost there and I thought that with the boys help we could make it happen.  Talk about a 3-ring circus!  Hoss and Little Joe were on either side of me and Rowdy was observing.  Actually, Rowdy was way more interested in the mule who was standing there watching all the chaos. 

We finally got it together and got the tank lifted part way up. It was high enough to slide the opposite side down a little and get most of the water to that side.  This is when one checks under the tank for critters.  Since we've seen a snake or two under there, especially in the summer, this is definitely necessary.  Little Joe thought he saw a snake.  Hoss said it was a lizard.  Little Joe hates snakes more than Indiana Jones!  Hoss is trying to figure out how to catch the lizard and put it in his little bug catching container.  I'm trying to keep the tank from rolling into the fence, and I'm not sure where Rowdy was at this point! 

By the time we got done with chores and headed back to the house I felt like I'd been at the barn for 2 hours and I'm pretty sure it had only been about 30 minutes!  How does one stop the arguing, wrestling, and hollering between boy cousins???   Or is it just boys??

We all headed back to MaMaw and PaPa's house.  I sent them all inside and went to water at the north barn by myself.  I just needed a little quiet!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sweet Tea Tirimasu

I'm not a food blogger.  But I made a new recipe for sis#3's birthday and I wanted to tell you about it. 

I get Southern Living magazine.  One of the boys had a fundraiser and it was cheap.  I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I'm finding it's one of my favorite publications.  A couple issues ago the cover story was sweet tea.  Who doesn't love a swig of ice cold sweet tea????  Well, maybe there's a lot of people, but I'm not one of them.

There were several interesting recipes in the article using sweet tea in food not just for a refreshing drink.  I saw the picture of the "Sweet Tea Tirimasu" and I knew it was one to try.  I love tirimasu and so do the sisters!  I've never made it though.  Sis#3 has gluten allergies.  That makes cooking challenging sometimes, but these days there are many gluten free products on the market including lady fingers.  However, I didn't know the size and texture of the GF lady fingers were not the same as the regular ol' cookies. 

Let's just say it didn't turn out perfect.  But, it was good enough for sis to like it since it had been years since she was able to eat this yummy dessert in a restaurant.  And, I must say, the sweet tea  flavor instead of coffee flavor wasn't the best.  Too much sweetness.  Next time we'll do the coffee version and be sure to soak those big cookies in the coffee and I think it'll be a hit.

At least it will be a hit with the girls in the family!  Apparently, boys don't eat tirimasu! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Brothers Grimm

I've written about the "cat brothers" on here once or twice, maybe more.  Cats are a mystery to me!  We are dog people around here so our cat experience is very limited. 

Since the big fight a few weeks ago the brothers are not speaking.  Indy has taken up residence at the barn completely.  Which is completely fine since we got them both to be barn cats!  He doesn't venture away from there much these days.  We were filming down  by the barn with the boys a few days ago and he decided to hang with us.  I noticed that he had a big swollen lump on his forhead that he wouldn't let me touch.   I guessed it was a war wound.   It wasn't long til I saw Ranger wandering up.  Bad news.  I saw them doing the big stare down and ran one of them off with my palm leaf hat.  Indy was doing that growl noise that is very, very weird. 

That night I took some food down to the barn and Indy was excited.  The next morning I saw that the big swollen spot had broken open and drained.  He seemed like his old self.  But, Ranger wasn't with me. 

I bet the growl would've shown up if he had! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Bug Incident

This story will not be for everyone.  Proceed with CAUTION!

Summer is here.  Bugs are in the air.  Sometimes crazy things happen. 

I was walking to Grandma's the other evening probably around 8pm.  Just about the time I got to the edge of her yard a bug flew up my nose.  I'm talking this bug never slowed down til it hit the top of my sinus cavity!

I thought I might have to go to the emergency room for an extraction!!

I tried all the usual stuff.  I won't go into detail here because I'm sure you can use your imagination how I would try to get a bug out of my nose.  Let's just say it wasn't pretty!  And if the government really has people watching from the sky, whoever had my watch was sorry they weren't watching anyone else in these United States at that moment!

I don't know if it ever came out.  The next morning I thought I felt something crawling up in there.  Kinda freaked me out.  It was probably just a mental thing, heavy on the mental!

So.........everyone be careful when walking outdoors.  I'm just glad it wasn't a bird.  Imagine how bad that would've been!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ruby and The King

Is it normal for a 16 month old baby to be able to know who George Strait is?  It's not my fault!  I promise!

This morning after Ruby and I was outside for a while trying to beat the heat of the afternoon, I thought I'd get on the computer and see if I could get a listen to The King's new single.  I went to the website to see if it was playing in full there, it's not by the way, but a little teaser plays on the home page.

Ruby left her toys and Mickey Mouse in the living room to run and have a listen herself!  She climbed up in my lap and wanted more.  So.....we went to you tube to find some videos.  I think her favorite was "Amarillo by Morning".  There's lots of rodeo scenes playing while a very young George is singing.  I asked her who was singing. 

That's when it happened.  She said, "George Strait"  plain as day!!  Since this is the first time she and I have had a talk about George I'm gonna say it's her Momma's doin.

I can't imagine George will still be on tour when Ruby get's old enough to go to a concert.  I'd like to think so, but probably not.  She probably wouldn't want to go with her ancient Aunt anyway.  Let's see, I was 15 the first time I saw him at the Oklahoma State Fair Rodeo.  George would only be in his late 60's by then. 

It could happen.  Maybe she wouldn't mind after all.  Especially if I buy her a ticket!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brother against Brother

We've got cat trouble.  When there's two boy cats and one girl cat I think there's no good way to fix it.  Well, there's a good way, but no time for that as of now.

The cat brothers, Indy and Ranger, have been fighting over the neighbor girl.  So far I think Indy is winning.  I haven't seen him for several days now.  Not even at supper time.  Ranger looks like he's been in a cat fight!  And he's hanging around looking dejected and skinny.  Lucky for him Spring, the dog, doesn't seem to notice.

The other night I was up at my folks, like usual, and Aunt Cathy came in the house and said the cats were in a big fight down by sis#3's house.  I headed that way with her.  By the time we got there the fight was over and no cats were to be seen.  Hoss comes running from the other side of their house and hollered, "Aunt Red, you missed the best fight ever!"

Typical for a 7 year old boy! 

He wanted to know what they were fighting about.  I don't remember what I said exactly, but I told him we'd have to take them to the vet to get them fixed.  He asked, "What can the vet do to fix the fighting?" 

My response, "He can just fix it!"  I figure his mother can handle all those kind of questions!!! 

That's not in this aunt's job description.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hot in June

Can it be June?  It's feeling like mid July!!!  It's always hard for me to adjust, actually I never do, to summer.  I'm just not a summer person.  Some people love it.  They crave the water and sun!

The facts are that my skin just isn't made for summer.  Nor are my perspiration glands!  I put on sunscreen often.  As soon as it hits my skin the perspiration glands kick in and it runs off. 

What's a girl to do?

I know, AIR CONDITIONING!  Whoever invented the air conditioner is my hero!!!  I crave it.  I love it!!!  I really, really, really need it!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't know where to start!

Let's just say with all the moving and babysitting and cooking and cleaning a lot has been going on!

Here's a story from yesterday. 

My nephews are obsessed with movie making.  I think they might've picked that up from their PaPa.  All the kids were here over the weekend so it was a perfect time to get a scene filmed for Buzz's movie.  We got everyone wardrobed up and headed to a spot down in the woods where the wind wouldn't be so bad.  In this particular scene Woody, Hoss, and Buzz are archeologist's and wind up on some land looking for treasure.  The landowner, Little Joe, comes riding up on his horse and checks them out. 

It took us longer to get them outfitted and down to the location than it did to film the scene which will probably wind up being about a minute and a half long. 

By the time we wrapped we were all hot, taken over by ticks, and cranky!  Well, maybe I was the cranky one. 
It was actually a lot of fun and the footage is great!  When PaPa gets it edited and posted on his website I'll post the link. 

Hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day weekend!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Anger Management for Babies

Well, I don't think Oprah or Dr. Phil have addressed this issue as of yet.  My youngest nephew could be the first baby in history to need some help!

Snort, the biggest baby in the universe, has a temper!  I'm thinking that if the situation isn't taken care of soon he could be shooting at cars on the highway when he's 2 because somebody got too close to his mom!

Mom and I went over there Sat. and Sun. to help a little bit.  Sis#2 and fam are moving to the other side of the state later this week.  I'm hoping he's just feeling all the pressure and will get over his hot head ways soon.  He doesn't even have red hair!!!

I'm guessing he got this from his dad's side of the family.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day.........and a new baby

I hope all you mother's out there are having a wonderful day today!! 

A few of us celebrated with our Mom today with a roast dinner after worship services this morning.  It was yummy.  It wasn't the most elaborate Mother's Day we've ever spent, but I don't think anyone really cared.  None of that really matters anyway.

Yesterday Mom and I made the trek to Bartlesville to visit the newest member of our extended family.  My cousin and his wife had their first baby Friday evening.  He's a cutie!  He's the first grandchild for my Mom's sister and bro-in-law(Aunt Vicki and Uncle Allen).  They were pretty happy!

We also were lucky to see sis#4 and Little Joe who is just a few days away from Kindergarten graduation.  He came walking through the hospital parking lot with his Levis tucked in his tall top boots and I just about started bawling!  We haven't see them since Christmas and it feels like longer than that.  He's grown a lot and is quite the kid!!!  We're hoping for a visit from them down this way soon.

Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New Job

Well.....I've been very lazy about this blog lately!  I guess everyone knows that. I just wasn't feeling it.  Ever felt that way?

I have a new job.  I am now the "nanny" for my niece Ruby!  My sis-in-law started a new job last Monday after being unemployed since January.  She and I are on opposite ends of the job spectrum.  She was overqualified for everything and I'm VERY underqualified for everything. 

However, I think I've found my calling!!  Ruby is such a good little girl I don't know how anyone could do a bad job with her.  I'm not just saying that because she's my niece either!!

She is just shy of 16 months old and she's just a joy.  Today she helped me check the air in the tires on my pickup.  What else could an aunt want?  I can't wait til I tell her how many times her dad wiped his nose on my sleeve or that I changed MANY of his diapers (which were cloth by the way). 

I have so many stories to tell on him I won't get them all told by the time she's 10! 

Anyway, I'm hoping to be a little more diligent about writing here.  I have some great stories about the kids to pass along from the last couple months. 

Have a great May!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well......Surprise!  I'm gonna be an Aunt again!!!!

Ruby is gonna be a big sister, and she's gonna be a good one!  She's already a bossy redhead.  She must get that from her daddy!   We're all excited and hoping for a boy or maybe a girl.  Either will work.  We have to wait a while though.  The baby won't show til around the first of November. 

I think it might be a long hot summer for my sis-in-law!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Day at the Zoo

This week was spring break.  Sis #2 and kids came over for a visit.  Our sis-in-law suggested a trip to the Zoo in OKC.  This would be Ruby's first trip to see the animals.   Sounds like a good idea, right? 


Apparently, it was a record attendance day at the OKC Zoo.  In addition to our little group of  11, there were 17, 989 other poor folks!  We were there 2 hours before we even saw an animal.  Part of that was our own doing, but the masses helped.  Any time you are in a zoo for 4 hours and can count on 2 hands the number of animals one sees it's a bad sign.

Here's the breakdown:
4 gorillas
1 aurangatane(yes, I know it's spelled wrong)
2 elephants
1 hippo
3 rhinos

It was just too crowded to try anything else!

The new elephant exhibit just opened.  There's a long zig-zag ramp leading up to this big lookout area to see several pens of elephants.  I saw 2 on our way up and that was it.  They were on their way back inside.  When we got to the top Jessie Jane lost her hat to the wind.  It's now part of the exhibit.  Mine would've joined it, but my hair was in a bun and it couldn't really fly off!

So...needless to say.....the zoo trip was a bust.  Heed my warning....... NEVER GO TO THE ZOO ON SPRING BREAK!!!!

 That's my public service announcement for this month.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Polar Express

It's kinda the wrong time of year to be watching a Christmas movie, but it's cold and windy outside, so why not???

Sis #2 brought "The Polar Express" when they came over for Christmas.  Needless to say there wasn't much time for watching movies.  She left it with me on Dec. 26th and told me to watch it.  I'm always obedient even if it's delayed. 

Hoss came down to my house this evening.  We played some Go Fish.  We ate some popcorn.  Then we decided to watch a movie.  He wanted to watch "Scooby Doo Meets Batman and Robin", again for the 100th time.  I said nope.  We need to watch something different.  He wasn't up for "Toby Tyler" and never has been.  Don't know what's up there.  He didn't want to watch "The Love Bug" or "The Colt" either.  I ran across the forgotten Christmas movie.  It was the choice.  He said this would be the 13th time for him to watch this flick.  Wow, he's only 7.

Oh my!  That was one good movie!!!  Call me crazy, but by the time we were half way through I was ready to get out my tree and decorations!  Thankfully, by the time it was over, I had come to my senses.  I would officially be the "nut job"  of the family if I got out the ol' tree in March!!!

So......along about December 1, I'll be wanting to watch this classic again!  You should too! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Decorating on a Budget

I guess I should really say NO budget!  Since I'm currently working very part-time I don't really have much extra money.  This would be an understatement! 

However, a couple weeks ago I found myself with $20 spending money thanks for a very generous second cousin(you know who you are).  Who knew twenty bucks could be so exciting?!?

I made a stop at Hobby Lobby to turn in a job application and took a peek at the dried flowers, etc.  I really like the look of twigs and feathers haphazardly in a container of some sort. Here's what I came up with:

1 package of Pussy Willow, price-$7.99
2 tall peacock feathers, price-$1.00 each

Guess what?  It was all half price!  Gotta love a good sale.  Sis #3 had some old metal flower buckets she from the owner of the flower shop where she worked years ago.  I had some burlap, pine cones, and brown wire-edged ribbon we used for accents.

A couple days later I made a stop at Dollar General to get a few items for Grandma.  I saw they had some dried swirly stick things for one dollar.  I picked up a package of them and found out it only cost a penny!  Can you believe that?  Just a penny?????  It was just what I needed to finish out the project.  Actually, what I needed was help from creative and crafty sis#3.  She whipped this thing together in about 10 minutes.

So, for about $5.01 plus tax my master bath has a whole new look.  Yipeeeeee!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Beautiful Spring Day

Wow!  What a difference a couple days makes! 

Snow is melting.  Sun is shining.  Temperatures are above 60.  Is it still winter???

I would imagine more cold stuff will be here, but this week is suppose to be just beautiful.  I think it's the break we've all been needing.  I know I'm ready to spend some time outside. 

Enjoy the sun everybody!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Snow Memory

Sometimes there are moments that you really want to have a video camera going.  Does that ever happen for me?  Not hardly!

After the marathon Wal-Mart run yesterday evening I took a few things back up to my sister's house.  That would be Sis#3.  About that time Rowdy came from Mamaw and Papa's house.  I asked him if he got to see the snowman Hoss and their dad built.  We went over there to take a look.  It was dark, but the little snowman just happened to be right near the outside light.  There is still quite a bit of snow around and it was very wet!

Rowdy looked the snowman over and was kinda intrigued.  I picked up a handful of snow and tossed it at him.  He really didn't know what to think of that.  So he did the same.  Thankfully, he missed me by a mile.  I threw some more snow at him.  He decided he liked it.  But then he just wanted to sit on his knees and make designs.  I went over watched him make an A.  He said, "A is for Aunt Red!"

That just made my week!  Where's a Papa with his video camera when you need him???? 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Momentary Thaw

Well, the sun came out today and it felt like it was 70 degrees compared to what we've had the last 5 days!  I'm not sure what the actual temp was, but I know it felt great!

To celebrate our break in the wonderful winter weather we've been getting Sis #3 and I made a run to Wal-Mart.  Let me tell you something........there's nothing like a 4 1/2 hour trip in that store to make you want to cry for more snow!  I'm talking 4 1/2 hours actually in the store, 45 minutes in the check out line, and no lunch.
More snow is coming next week.  We now have enough milk and Dr. Pepper to be stranded!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well, looks like the snow is here for a while.  It's gonna be hard for it to melt when it's 5 degrees!!!!  It's suppose to be -4 tonight for a new record.

I did venture out yesterday about 3:30 to head up to my folks.  I was really wanting some real food.  So I got all the stuff on and headed that way.  I took off my glasses so I could pull my double bandannas up higher.  I had to head into the north wind the whole way.  Problem with taking off my glasses is I can't see!  I couldn't tell where the drifts were and walked into several.  I got half the way and thought my lungs were going to explode.  No joke!  I only fell once. 

I made it to the folks back door.  Dad keeps a little black stool there so he can put on his boots.  I collapsed on the black stool and started peeling off the layers.  About that time my Mom came around the corner.  I told her I wouldn't be volunteering to help with chores!

I'm a wuss, what can I say?!?!?!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowmagedden 2011

Did someone move me to Alaska in my sleep?????

The weather guys are calling it Snowmagedden.  I think that's a little drastic, but I haven't been outside yet.  I've been blackballed from feeding chores by my Dad.  Evidently the wind chill is in the below zero range.  Yikes! 

I don't mind some snow and cold weather, but it's hard on the livestock.  And the longer it's around, the harder it gets on everybody!

So much for global warming!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Buzz and Red Lobster

Buzz has an uncle on his dad's side who had a birthday yesterday.  Happy Birthday Uncle Ryan! 

Uncle Ryan wanted to meet up with the family at Red Lobster.  Buzz asked him if he was sure he wanted to go to Red Lobster.  And then he said again, "Do you want to go to Red Lobster or............Burger King?" 

Uncle Ryan replied, "How about you go to Burger King for your birthday?" 

I guess Burger King is way more appealing to a 4 year old boy than shrimp and Boston Iced tea!!!!

That sounds really good right now!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Very Disappointed

Aunt Rudolph missed the party!

I was too sick to go.  It didn't matter about the nose.  I'm not that vain!  It was more about running a fever and being contagious.  I was so sad when I called my brother Friday around noon to tell him I wasn't coming I started crying.  That doesn't happen very often.  Y'all know that.  My sister says I have the ol' stone heart.  I don't think that's completely true!  I have to admit it is true a little though.  When it comes to things like missing a birthday party though, I can't handle it!!! 

Sis#2 wasn't able to come over either.  The bad weather in eastern OK kept her and her kiddos away.  So, we are planning party #2 for Ruby.  All the Aunt's who didn't get to attend the big bash will have a smaller version in a few weeks. 

Ruby won't know the difference, but it'll make us feel better!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aunt Rudolph

I've been sick all week.  It hit me Monday afternoon and I've been in the house since.  I'm starting to dislike my humble abode.  The only time I'm really here is when I'm sick.  Does that mean something???

Ruby's birthday was the 12th.  It's rare that our family has a birthday party actually on the birthday these days.  I think it's always been that way.

Tomorrow night is Ruby's birthday party.  My nose is very, very red.  I have been saying all week that I would be at Ruby's 1st birthday party if I have to sit in the corner all by myself with a mask on my face.  I don't think I'm contagious, but I think my nose could light up the room all by it's lonesome!!!

Nobody will care, will they? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Love Dove!

Anyone heard of Dove chocolate?  It's yummy!

Today I was in the house with a  little sinus thing.  I was checking out some websites looking for a job.  What a joke!  So......I thought I could use a piece of chocolate.  That always makes me feel better.  And then I thought, "How 'bout another!" 

The little note on the inside of the Dove wrappers is always so much fun to read.  The first one I unwrapped read "Believe in Yourself."  I could use some help with that!

The second little note read "Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances." 

I really needed that!!!!!!!!!  The chocolate wasn't bad either!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Monday Afternoon

This afternoon Rowdy and Jessie Jane are staying with me.  Hoss had a dr. appointment down in the City.   Jessie Jane is napping and Rowdy is watching a cartoon older than both of us times 2!  He loves those. 

A little earlier I could hear him playing back in the kids room.  I was wondering what was goin on so I just peeked in the door.  He had all the toys out of the toy box and was inside.  Next thing  I know he's shutting the lid.  Now, this toy box isn't that big, but it kinda looks like a camel back trunk so it has a little height in the lid.  When he shut the door I called out his name.  His reply was, "Nobody's home!"  I just laughed.  Then I knocked on the lid.  He said, "Come in!"  I guess someone was home after all.

Right now he has a big ol' black eye from a wrestling match with his big brother Hoss.  Rowdy isn't intimidated by Hoss's giant physique in the least.  Last week when it was freezing cold I wandered by their house while I was out helping with chores.  I peeked in the window and it looked like a match from the WWF was going on inside.  I waved and said hi and then they were at it again.  Hence the big ol' black eye! Apparantly, Rowdy took a bad fall onto the bedpost.  Yikes!

There won't be any wrestling matches today!  Aunt Red doesn't need a black eye!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Love Story

No......this isn't about me! 

I think that Ranger the cat is in love with Spring the dog!  He follows her around all the time.  If she leaves the porch, he leaves the porch.  If she jumps in the back of my pick-up, he jumps in the back of my pick-up.  I saw them rubbing noses on the back porch at my folks house yesterday. 

I don't quite know what to think about this.  I don't want Spring to think that just because I'm an old maid she has to be one also! We'll see how long it lasts.  If she's anything like her won't last long!

I do know one thing, Indy doesn't feel the same about Spring as his brother.  You know there's that line that one just doesn't cross.  Indy is way more into chasing mice, rats, and gophers.  He'll be the old bachelor of the two I imagine. 

Right now I wish Ranger would tell her to hush!  Maybe she'd listen to him!!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Ruby!!!

Today is my niece's 1st birthday.  She is a very sweet little red headed girl!  I can't believe it's been a year since we got that call at 2am from my brother saying he and my sis-in-law were headed to the hospital.  Where does the time go?

Snort is only 28 days older than Ruby.  However, he's just about double the size.  He has 13 teeth.  She has 2 1/2(one is trying to bust through).  He started crawling at about 6 months and she didn't til 10.  He weighs a good 10 pounds more.  He's just a big ol' kid.  Funny thing is she can out eat him like crazy!  What's that about???  When we had our big family gathering at Christmas Snort kept trying to get close to Ruby and see what she was all about.  She wanted no part of it!  If he got within 10 feet of her she would start crying.  I think she was just scared of the massive kid standing before her!!!!  I know I am. 

It would be great if she stayed scared of boys til she was 25.  I know that's what my brother is thinking!  I'm fairly certain the boys will be scared of him.  He's already planning the scare tactics  for the potential boyfriends like it's a military operation! 

I'm sure as soon as she turns on the charm ol' dad will wilt.  That never worked on my dad, but maybe she'll have better luck.  I found out when I was about 25 and dateless that it wasn't my dad that the boys around here were afraid of.  Apparently, the sister's and I were the one's that were scary!  I guess the shooting, riding, and knife carrying stuff wasn't appealing.  I would imagine Ruby will be riding and shooting better than any of her aunt's.  My brother won't have anything to worry about.  Ruby will be able to take care of herself!!

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Corn Bag Lady

I don't think I've done much "promoting" through this blog.  I guess I'm starting now.

A friend of my brother's started this program to help people in need.  She is a team roper and our family has known her and her family for about 25 years.  They are good people!

My mom ordered a few of these corn bags.  They are well made, cute, and work great!

You can see these items at 

By purchasing a corn bag you will get something to sooth aches and pains and help someone in need!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Changes

So.....I thought I'd try to change up the look of the ol' blog.  It's going about as well as all the other changes in my life right now!  Slow!!!

I'm trying to figure out the picture thing.  With some help from my second cousin, who is a major computer whiz, I might eventually get it to work.  If he gets sick of my computer illiteracy I may just have to skip the pics!!!

Now, a little more info about Snort and his tooth count.  After the momumental 1-1-11 eleventh tooth, the following day #12 and #13 decided to bust through.  Poor guy can't catch a break! 

Let me know what y'all think about the changes so far.  There's no going back now.  I lost the old template.
No surprise there! 

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Acting Debut

In the months of September and October I helped my Dad and his cousin on a short film they wrote, directed, and pretty much everything else that goes along with it. It turned out pretty good we think.

My jobs on this film included the following:

Craft services (snacks)
Catering (lunch)
Set decoration
Small part as " The Receptionist"
Horse Wrangler
Traffic director

This is how things go on a low budget film. One never knows exactly what their job will be. I will explain a couple things though.

First, I don't know anything about make-up and especially movie make-up. That was interesting!

Second, I'm not an aspiring actress. The part I played was the receptionist. I, basically, just had to ramble on mostly like I usually do on the telephone. The time period for this flick is 1959. It was kinda fun taking a step back in time.

Third, here's how the soldier thing went down. We were filming a flashback scene involving a cannon, a horse, and infantry out here at our place. Our infantry soldiers wound up having a car wreck on the way out here. They were all ok, but we had to film the scene anyway because our Teddy Roosevelt actor was only here for the afternoon. So......sis#4 and I put on the uniform and hauled the gun. Had I known how out of focus and far away I was in the finished product I wouldn't have worried so much about anyone being able to tell I'm not a male infantry soldier!!!

This was definitely a learning experience for all of us. I'm not a fan of being in front of the camera. I only did this because my Dad made me. Funny how that hasn't change too much since I was a 9 year old newbie trick roper and was told we were doing a new act and I was in it! You'd think things would change now that I'm 41!!!

If you'd like to watch our 22 minute film you may do so at:

Check it out!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's January 1st! Can you believe it? My Aunt called last night to wish us Happy New Year before they went to bed. I think it was about 8:30. I didn't make it to midnight either. That's not the point though. She said, " I was just writing the date and realized tomorrow is 1-1-11." I hadn't even realized it.

Today Sis#2 send me a text saying that Snort got his 11th tooth today. I'm wondering if 11 might be his lucky number. If I believed in that stuff I might jump on that.

So........Happy New Year! May we all have a safe, prosperous, and healthy 2011. Snort is the most prosperous and healthy of us so far.

I'd settle for 1 outta 3!!!