Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't know where to start!

Let's just say with all the moving and babysitting and cooking and cleaning a lot has been going on!

Here's a story from yesterday. 

My nephews are obsessed with movie making.  I think they might've picked that up from their PaPa.  All the kids were here over the weekend so it was a perfect time to get a scene filmed for Buzz's movie.  We got everyone wardrobed up and headed to a spot down in the woods where the wind wouldn't be so bad.  In this particular scene Woody, Hoss, and Buzz are archeologist's and wind up on some land looking for treasure.  The landowner, Little Joe, comes riding up on his horse and checks them out. 

It took us longer to get them outfitted and down to the location than it did to film the scene which will probably wind up being about a minute and a half long. 

By the time we wrapped we were all hot, taken over by ticks, and cranky!  Well, maybe I was the cranky one. 
It was actually a lot of fun and the footage is great!  When PaPa gets it edited and posted on his website I'll post the link. 

Hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day weekend!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Anger Management for Babies

Well, I don't think Oprah or Dr. Phil have addressed this issue as of yet.  My youngest nephew could be the first baby in history to need some help!

Snort, the biggest baby in the universe, has a temper!  I'm thinking that if the situation isn't taken care of soon he could be shooting at cars on the highway when he's 2 because somebody got too close to his mom!

Mom and I went over there Sat. and Sun. to help a little bit.  Sis#2 and fam are moving to the other side of the state later this week.  I'm hoping he's just feeling all the pressure and will get over his hot head ways soon.  He doesn't even have red hair!!!

I'm guessing he got this from his dad's side of the family.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day.........and a new baby

I hope all you mother's out there are having a wonderful day today!! 

A few of us celebrated with our Mom today with a roast dinner after worship services this morning.  It was yummy.  It wasn't the most elaborate Mother's Day we've ever spent, but I don't think anyone really cared.  None of that really matters anyway.

Yesterday Mom and I made the trek to Bartlesville to visit the newest member of our extended family.  My cousin and his wife had their first baby Friday evening.  He's a cutie!  He's the first grandchild for my Mom's sister and bro-in-law(Aunt Vicki and Uncle Allen).  They were pretty happy!

We also were lucky to see sis#4 and Little Joe who is just a few days away from Kindergarten graduation.  He came walking through the hospital parking lot with his Levis tucked in his tall top boots and I just about started bawling!  We haven't see them since Christmas and it feels like longer than that.  He's grown a lot and is quite the kid!!!  We're hoping for a visit from them down this way soon.

Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New Job

Well.....I've been very lazy about this blog lately!  I guess everyone knows that. I just wasn't feeling it.  Ever felt that way?

I have a new job.  I am now the "nanny" for my niece Ruby!  My sis-in-law started a new job last Monday after being unemployed since January.  She and I are on opposite ends of the job spectrum.  She was overqualified for everything and I'm VERY underqualified for everything. 

However, I think I've found my calling!!  Ruby is such a good little girl I don't know how anyone could do a bad job with her.  I'm not just saying that because she's my niece either!!

She is just shy of 16 months old and she's just a joy.  Today she helped me check the air in the tires on my pickup.  What else could an aunt want?  I can't wait til I tell her how many times her dad wiped his nose on my sleeve or that I changed MANY of his diapers (which were cloth by the way). 

I have so many stories to tell on him I won't get them all told by the time she's 10! 

Anyway, I'm hoping to be a little more diligent about writing here.  I have some great stories about the kids to pass along from the last couple months. 

Have a great May!