Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Taking a Break

I've decided that I'm going to stop blogging for a while. I'm just not feeling it right now. Not sure what the cause of the "not feeling it" would be, but I'm guessing it has something to do with all the changes that have been going on in my life these days.

I haven't found regular employment yet. Actually, I haven't looked for regular employment yet. I told a friend last night that I might be going through a mid-life crisis or a mental breakdown. Not sure which! One day I want to do one thing, the next I want to do something completely different. I was at my last job so long I'm not real sure which direction to go now. I'm not really feeling like myself. I maybe should get myself figured out!!

So.......here's the plan. I'm going to quit writing til I feel like writing again. It might be next week, it might be next year. Who knows!

Bye for now!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all

I've not looked forward to October for many years. It's always been a very hectic month in my family. When we were in the hayride/trail ride business it was our busiest month.

For the last 13 years I've worked at the leather shop. One of the best shows of the year is the last 10 or so days of the month.

So, since I'm neither in the hayride business nor the leather business any longer, I'm going to enjoy the Fall! Actually, I've loved the weather October brings no matter what was happening at the time. Who wouldn't??

There's a pond just west of the north barn(get all that?) here on the place. The leaves always start changing there first. I saw yellow about 2 weeks ago. It's starting to show on other trees now. I'd love to take a "leaf peeping" tour somewhere here in Oklahoma!

I'm reminded of the trip last year at this time with my sister friends. I were enjoying the Fall Aspen colors in Colorado. Oh my! I've not experience that before and it was beautiful!! No Colorado leaf looking for me this time around though.

Maybe next year!