What I've noticed in my time as "the nanny" is that I don't like leaving my house in the dark every morning! i especially don't like leaving in the dark and getting home in the dark!!! I only had to do this at my previous job a few times a year. My mother has done it for years. People all over the world have done it for years. I guess I'm lucky to only have had to do this a couple months so far!
This morning I noticed small amount of orange peeking above the horizon when I started the pickup. It was lovely! I didn't realize how much I missed seeing the sun in the morning.
I'm more of a sunset and moon person to tell the truth. I think it has something to do with being a night owl. I seem to get a second wind at about 9pm. Even when I get into bed by 10 I usually lay there for at least an hour reading and trying to wind down.
So.....longer days and more sunshine are ahead. Woohoo!!!
I can't wait for longer days!!!