Tuesday, January 10, 2012

8 Days and Counting

I haven't had a Dr Pepper since January 2nd. 

It has been easier than I thought, but every so often I just want to drive straight to Sonic and order up my favorite......Large Dr Pepper w/easy ice!!  The girls at my Sonic know the drill.  I bet they are wondering what happened to me!  Should I go tell them I'm not mad at them I'm just trying to live a year or two longer? 

I bet they don't really care!  They just miss my money!!!!!!!


  1. Good for you Alicia! :D You can do it!

  2. Don't go. It would be like putting yourself right in the middle of temptation. Stay far, far away!!! ;)

  3. You are nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/ I hope you accept it! I love your posts!
