Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Old Friend is Back!

Ok, she's not old. Not by a longshot. However, she's one of my closest friends and has been for probably 20 years. A couple years ago she moved to St. Louis for a job. I haven't seen her since she moved. Actually, I didn't see her for about a year before she moved. You know how it is, things changed and sometimes we don't change with them. I'm the one who didn't change.

What I mean by that is my life is generally the same as it was 20 years ago. Maybe more. I live in the same spot. I worship with the same congregation. I've worked in the same place for 13 years. Before that I worked across the road from where I work now. Thing is that everyone around me pretty much has moved on and done new things. All my siblings got married. Most of my friends did the same, or got new jobs, or moved away, etc.

You know what's funny, I feel more settled right now than I have in years! I spent a long time thinking that I was suppose to be somewhere else. I didn't know where that somewhere else was, but I was certain I just wasn't gonna stay here. Apparantly I was wrong. And I'm so glad I have figured out that I'm where I'm suppose to be.

I have 2 friends who are sisters. These friends have been in my life for about 25 years I think. They are a little younger than myself, but not by much. They're kinda in the same boat I am as far as everyone around them moving and changing. I know it's just a matter of time before they will be doing the same( You know it's true girls!!!). As sad as I'm gonna be when one or both of them moves away, I now have the confidence that I'll be able to handle it. And then maybe I'll be able to go visit somewhere great because they'll be there!

Back to my friend who's moved back. I've always thought it puzzling that she and I could not talk for months and then as soon as I heard her voice it was just like 10 years ago when we talked every day. I think that's the measure of a true friend. Someone you don't have to see or talk to everyday, but someone you know is always gonna be the same in your heart. When my sister's all got married and moved away from our home place I was lost. This friend helped me through all of it.

I think we all need that in our lives. I'm so glad I have it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, "Old Friend!!!" I hope that we can get together sometime.
