Monday, January 11, 2010

The Big Thaw

Today was a beautiful day!!! The sun was shining and the temp was a balmy 45 degrees. Or maybe our trusted weather man said 54. I could've remembered that wrong. Anyway, it was a nice warm day! It's funny how a 3 degree night can make a 45 degree day feel like July 4th.

It's amazing how much snow is still around from our Christmas Eve blizzard. I was beginning to think we'd have snow on the ground all winter. When I went to the barn tonight to feed the red dirt was a little squishy.

I love that!

Tomorrow evening my dear traveling friends from "Sisters Four" are coming over for supper and a movie. I'm gonna try a new pasta recipe from "The Pioneer Woman's" recipe log. I hope it works!! Even if it doesn't we'll have fun anyway.

That's what we do.
Have a great week everyone and enjoy the sunshine!!!


  1. Looking forward to tomorrow!!!

  2. It is funny about the temperature. Now we know how the northerners handle winter. It's all relative.
    I was looking forward to tonight, too...or whenever it happens. :D
