Monday, January 18, 2010

Life with Grandma

I haven't talked about my Grandma a whole lot on this blog. She's 89 and wound up like an eight day clock!

In the last couple years she's had a few health issues she's dealing with, but other than that she's doing great. She's able to live by herself and cook for herself. She doesn't realize how many people her age and even younger are in a home somewhere unable to do anything for themselves.

There's one thing about my Grandma though that has been goin on for a very long time. She doesn't have a electronic or mechanical bone in her body! Things like car's, telephone's, tv's, vcr's cause her major stress! A long time ago she didn't get her car in gear and it rolled down the road and into the pond at the park. Grandpa wasn't happy about that one.

But, one thing of the modern era that she's struggled with the most is her cell phone. She's been through a few of them over the last 10 years and we've yet to find one that she can really get along with.

Here's a little example.

Last night she and I went to town. She needed and item that isn't sold in our town. After we got that particular thing at a grocery store we went to Wal-Mart. I needed to return something so I told her I'd find her when I got finished. She said, "I've got my phone." This wasn't a comfort to me at all. After I got finished at customer service I started hunting her down. Usually, I'm able to find her fairly quickly just by checking each isle. This time it didn't work. I finally resorted to calling her cell phone. First time no answer. I waited a little bit after I hung up the phone so if she heard it she could call me back. After about 5 minutes I tried again. Still no answer. After a few minutes she called me back this time. I asked her where she was.

She replied, "I'm looking for some glue".

"Are you in the crafts or in Hardware?"

"Should I go to Hardware?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm by the sewing stuff."

"Don't move. I'll be right there."


So, I head straight to the sewing stuff. It took about 1 minute. I found her leaving the sewing aisle and talking on the cell phone. I said, rather loudly, "Grandma!"

She turned around and headed back towards me still talking on her phone. I asked her who she was talking to.

She said, "I'm talking to you!"

I didn't say anything. She closed the phone and put it in her purse. She didn't know I'd hung up! And, she didn't stay where I told her to stay! I just had to laugh inside. Even though she couldn't remember what she needed to use the glue on we found some she thought would work.

I can't wait to be 89!!!

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