Monday, December 14, 2009

Nephew #6

We have an addition to the family! And I'm talking a "Big" addition!

Sis#2, bro-in-law #1, Buzz, and Woody and a new boy in their family. He's a cutie and looks like he's ready for a football uniform already! Mom and Baby are doing really well.

This morning the truck left for T-town with my Dad, Grandma, sis#3, Jessie Jane, and myself loaded for a day at the hospital. My mom was already there. She's in what we call "Super MaMaw" mode! She'll be staying at the hospital with sis #2 and big boy for a few days while bro-in-law#1 takes care of Buzz and Woody. I'm gonna go back over this weekend and stay a few days after they get home from the hospital. I can't wait!

I was the first one in the family other than his mom and dad to hold him and know his name. It wasn't on purpose, kinda happened by accident, but I was so happy! Nothing's sweeter than a brand new baby. My dad said they should call him Bruiser. He looks like he could take out the big brother's already!!

So, it's brother and sis-in-law's turn next. They're having their first in January. After being married for nearly 10 years they are in for a wonderful shock! They're suppose to be having a girl. I think Jessie Jane should have a girl cousin to have tea parties and picnics with.

I hope they'll invite me!!!

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