Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miss Rosie is here!

I have a new niece!  She came early Monday morning and is doing wonderful.  And......are you ready for this.......she has red hair! 

Yes, I know, I've said they all had red hair.  Rowdy and Ruby, Ruby more so than Rowdy,  are strawberry blondes and that's as close to red hair as we get.  But, this new little jewel's hair is dark red and I'm hoping, hoping, hoping it stays!  And if it doesn't, I'll love her anyway!!!!

This little bundle of joy is going to be named Rosie her in Aunt Red land.  Her big sister, Ruby, is loving her little sis and so far hasn't poked any eyes out. 

I spent Sunday night on a bench outside the hospital room waiting for the big moment.  Then, all of a sudden, the doc showed up and she arrived.  My sis-in-law is doing great by the way.  We can't forget about her!  She and my brother are wonderful parents and I know little Rosie is going to have a good christian upbringing. 

So.....that makes 9......3 nieces and 6 nephews.  Wahoo!!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! So excited for all of you...and looking forward to meeting Rosie!!!! So happy it all went so well. YAY!!!

  2. YAY!!! That is soooo exciting! I hope she keeps her red hair!

  3. Congrats, Alicia!!!! See you soon I hope!
