Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall is in the Air!!

As I'm writing this post Ruby is sitting at the same table looking through her Dora the Explorer coloring book and chattering away.  I'm wearing a sweatshirt.  This makes me happy!!!

The pumpkins are out.  The leaves are falling.  The air conditioner is turned off.  These are all things I love! 

Ruby's little sister will be making her arrival in about 3 weeks.  I'm not sure I'm ready.  My sis-in-law might punch me if she heard me say that!  I think she's ready to get this little child carrying thing over with.  I don't blame her.  I'm not sure I'd have made through the hottest summer on record expecting a baby.  I almost didn't make through anyway!

So....let's all enjoy this lovely time of year!

Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!!


  1. I am sooo with you on the fall thing! LOVE it!
    Wow, only 3 weeks??? That seemed to go by really, really fast...for me anyway. ;)

  2. Happy fall to you too!! Isn't it amazing!? :) Ah yes! Pumkins and sweets and coolness and treats. That wasn't what I was gonna say... but I thought it soo I just did. Lol.
