Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brother against Brother

We've got cat trouble.  When there's two boy cats and one girl cat I think there's no good way to fix it.  Well, there's a good way, but no time for that as of now.

The cat brothers, Indy and Ranger, have been fighting over the neighbor girl.  So far I think Indy is winning.  I haven't seen him for several days now.  Not even at supper time.  Ranger looks like he's been in a cat fight!  And he's hanging around looking dejected and skinny.  Lucky for him Spring, the dog, doesn't seem to notice.

The other night I was up at my folks, like usual, and Aunt Cathy came in the house and said the cats were in a big fight down by sis#3's house.  I headed that way with her.  By the time we got there the fight was over and no cats were to be seen.  Hoss comes running from the other side of their house and hollered, "Aunt Red, you missed the best fight ever!"

Typical for a 7 year old boy! 

He wanted to know what they were fighting about.  I don't remember what I said exactly, but I told him we'd have to take them to the vet to get them fixed.  He asked, "What can the vet do to fix the fighting?" 

My response, "He can just fix it!"  I figure his mother can handle all those kind of questions!!! 

That's not in this aunt's job description.


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