Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm on a roll!

I'm evidently getting into the swing of this whole "40 new things my fortieth year" thing.

This weekend I actually had two days in a row off because of the snow. After I made the big drive home Saturday morning I put some butter out to soften and made some chocolate chip cookies. I can't have a snow day without them! And let me tell you something, my little 5'6" 155lb Dad can inhale those cookies!! He has no will power when it somes to the "CC" cookie.

I've been needing to recover the cushions on my dining room chairs. The fabric that has been on them for 40 or so years was toast and ugly to boot. This dining room set was my Grandparents when they got married and set up housekeeping in 1939. She sold it sometime in the 50's I think to her brother who had it in his home til about 6 years ago. Grandma then bought it back from him and gave it to me. I just started using it about 2 years ago when I lived alone for the first time.

Sorry, back to the cushions. When sis#2 was here last week she helped me, or I helped her, cover one of them with this great green cowboy fabric. Neither of us had done that type of thing before, but she's great with that type of thing. It gave me the kick start I needed to get the others done. I did one on Saturday and the other 2 Sunday afternoon. They look great! At least to me they do. I wouldn't want a professional upholstry person to even take a peek at them, but that's unlikely to happen. Add another new thing to the list!!!

As sis#2 and I were working on that first cushion I said, "I bet Grandma Great would have a fit at how we're doing this!" Grandma Great was our Grandma's mother who was a upholstrying machine and antique's dealer back in the 1950's-70's. Sister said she'd probably just be glad we were giving it a whirl. I'm not about to start up a business and don't really care to do anything like that again. But I felt good that it was done and they are so cool looking!

I also got a rod hung in the kitchen and curtain up in there. I love it! So, when my dad can help me get my big horns (actually, dad's big horns) on the wall it'll be just about finished. I'm so ready!!!