Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Sis #4 & Friend!

Today is my sister's birthday. She's a whoppin 34. Oh to be 34 again!!! Happy Birthday Sis! I hope you have a great day!!! 34 was one of my favorite year's ever. It was the year I became an aunt. I've been exhausted ever since!

Today is also the birthday of my dear friend Sage. I'm not going to say her age, but she's between me(I'm 40) and Sis#4. Sage has been connected with my family in some way or another for about 27 years now. She and Sis #3 were in the same class in 5th grade. She's not been able to shake us since! Happy Birthday great friend! I'm hoping you have a fun filled and exciting year!


  1. Awww, thanks! Glad you could come over last night...but I have to tell ya'...the cheesecake is even better today.'s not even lunch time. Wouldn't want anyone to know I already had a bite! :D

  2. SAGE!!!!!!!! ;)

    Glad you came over too! Always fun when we get to see you!
