Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Night with Friends

Apparantly I'm not just a Jane Austen junkie. Last evening I went over to my friends house for supper. These would be the same friends I went to Colorado with for my birthday last fall. The whole clan was there, which is a lot of them.

We had some yummy enchiladas. We had a chocolate/cherry dessert that was unbelievably tasty!

And then we searched Netflix for something to watch. They had told me about this BBC series called "North and South" they'd watched a few months ago. Course, I had a flash of the miniseries "The North and the South" with the wicked "Virgilia" which debuted when I was in jr. high or maybe high school. That one isn't so family friendly. We finally settled on the BBC version. 4 hours later we had finished the whole thing. I Loved it!!!!!!!

It was full of heartbreak and sadness, but still had a sense of hope that all would be ok. The lead character, Miss Margaret Hale, was a very kind but strong minded woman who we could all take a lesson or two from on how to behave. At least in my opinion.

I recommend it to all of you!

And thank you so much for the great evening, Friends!!!


  1. It was FUN!!!! Let's do it again soon. And I wouldn't even mind watching the same movie. Love that!!!! ;)

  2. I will have to look for the movie it sounds interesting!

  3. Hi Georgie! I can't believe someone I don't know has looked at this blog!!
    Hope you like the movie!!!!!!!!!

  4. It was a great evening for sure!!! So glad it worked out!
