I know that most of you know this, but I'm a bit of a Jane Austen freak. Not that I've read all the books, because I've only read 2. How sad is that??? But I love the movies. I can't get enough! Every time there's a new version of "Emma" or "Sense and Sensibility" I have to see it.
One would never think this of me if they saw me in my everyday life. You know, the mud boots, stocking cap, bandanna on my face look I'm always sporting this time of year.
I think it has something to do with the fascination of the plight of women at the time in England. Actually, I'm always shocked by the treatment of women in the past. I guess it's not really the treatment but the sheer lack of rights at all. I'm talking if you were a poor chick, like me, you were slap outta luck unless you found a wealthy husband!!! What's up with that???
And when I stop and think that things have changed a lot in the last 150 or so years, they really haven't. Let's face facts girls, it's a man's world! I really don't mind this as much as all of you think I do. And I'm afraid that we've done it to ourselves. Well, not necessarily "we" who are reading this, but our gender as a whole. The "liberated women" of our world haven't really helped our plight.
Do I think we should get the same pay as a man? Only if we can do the same job.
Do I think we should have the opportunity to try to do the same job? Absolutely!
Are there jobs women shouldn't try to do? Definitely!
Should women get taken advantage of when we go to a mechanic to get the truck worked on? NEVER!
Wow, where did all that come from??????
I think Miss Jane Austen would feel the same way if she were here today! Don't you?
Sounds like someone has had a bad experience....
ReplyDeleteSorry, I just HAD to say that! :D