Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time goes by

Hey everybody! It's been ages since I even looked at this thing. It's been a crazy month!! But July is usually like that for me. There's been times in the past when I had 1 day off the entire month and it was a Sunday. I think I'm a little better shape this time. I'm thinking I'm gonna get 2 Sundays off!

Anyway, I'm enjoying a little break in our very hot summer. A storm came through last night and gave us a little bit of rain. The temps are suppose to be in the high 80's and low 90's the next week. I'm so glad of that since my air conditioner went caput over a week ago! Nothing will make a girl appreciate 90 degrees like being in a house trailer that's been closed up all day, because there was a chance of rain, and at 11pm it feels like 120 in there. Just one of the reasons I'll be glad to live in something different than the extra long hot dog tin can house someday!!!

Sis #1 is coming Thursday with Buzz and Woody. It's been a few weeks since they've been here and I'm ready for a visit! Yesterday I get a video text to my phone from my bro-in-law. They were in the boat out on the lake and Buzz is behind the boat on the tube. Once I figured out he was on there by himself I had a small panic attack. I never got a call saying he'd drowned in the lake so I just quit worrying about it. Later his mother told me the boat was goin about 1 mph. I'm not a water person. Everyone who knows me knows this. I like rain. I like to soak my feet in a tub of epsom salt water. I like to drink ice water and lemon. That about gets my love of water! I could've never been married to a lake rat. He'd have been a lake rat all by himself!!!

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