Thursday, August 16, 2012


I'm a person who loves a good straw!  Sonic has the best.  Not too fat.....not too skinny.  And they have the extra long ones for the large cup.  We have straws everywhere.  There is a glass with a photo of John Wayne that is the straw holder at my folks house.  At my house the straws are kept in a John Deere straw holder.  I bet Mr. Deere never thought about his tractor logo being on a straw holder.

Evidently this love of straws has been passed down to the next generation.  And the uses of these handy little items are not just for drinking DP!

A couple weeks ago on a Sunday the family gathered at our favorite spot for Mexican food here in town.  I looked across the table and Jessie Jane had the straw out of her Sprite and was using it to down her cheese sauce!  She acted like it was the most normal thing ever.

Last week sis#2 and kids were here.  Mamaw got a little watermelon at the store.  Snort immediately had to have some!  While he was eating his watermelon at the kids table in the kitchen he said he wanted a straw.  Well.....he doesn't really talk, but he points and grunts really well.  His mom handed him a straw.  He stuck it down in the watermelon to drink the juice. 

I think these kids are so smart!  I mean what grown up would've ever thought of either of these uses for a straw?  I might try the watermelon thing sometime.

But the cheese sauce......well......I think I'll just stick with tortilla chips!


  1. I dunno, suckin' up cheese sauce works for me. lol!! Never a dull moment in your family when the little ones are around, is there?
