Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Not Moving

Well....not yet anyway!

I thought I'd try to move this blog to another server.  Couldn't get it done.  Not enough spare time to figure it out.  Not enough drive to make spare time to figure it out.  I'm just gonna stick with what I know for now.

Lot's has happened since I made my exit from here a while back.  And yet, nothing has happened at all.  I know, that doesn't make a lick of sense!

And I have a message for Mr. Shane.......Thanks a million for getting that song in my head!!!  You know what I'm talking about, and it just happens to be one of my favorites!  Though, I just don't know that Ruby and Rosy want to hear it all day!!  Thanks for hanging with me during my absence.  You are a nice boy!

Ok, I'm back.  More to come later.

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