Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rosy's First Gig and Ruby's Roping

A week ago the newest performer of the clan had her first gig.  Actually, she had 2 gigs in one day.  Quite a workout for a 5 month old!

Brother, Ruby, Rosy, and I performed the mini version of the family trick roping act for the 89er celebration at a couple schools in Edmond.  The roping part was easy.....getting there was the tough part.  At least for me. 

My job wasn't only to perform, but I was responsible for getting the girls and myself there....ALONE....and in one piece!  It actually went ok.  I only got about a half a mile from the house when I realized I forgot Rosy's bottle.  That wasn't bad!  I was just glad I had both the girls' with me.

Rosy acted like she'd roped in front of  a crowd of  screaming 4th graders forever!  She just looked up and took it all in.   Ruby didn't do too bad either.  She's getting the hang of this roping thing.  Matter of fact, she's taken after her dad and decided to rope anything that moves.

I'll explain.

We were outside the other day just wandering around.  That's what we do in the afternoons.  She saw a big ol' black bug and mumbled something about catching the bug at least that's what I thought.  Sometimes I get the language wrong.  I told her we didn't need to catch the bug.  She had a stick and was swinging it up in the air.  I wasn't sure what she was doing.  Then I understood her when she said again, "I'm gonna rope the bug!"

I think we are in big trouble!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Freaks in the Fraidie Hole

It's tornado season.  It has been 30 plus years since we've had a tornado come across our place.  We hadn't even moved up here yet.  It was just my grandparents and great grandparents who went down into the basement.  And they made it in just before it hit.  Thankfully, their house received minor damage. forward to 2012.  We are still heading to the same basement even though it is moldy.  Not good! 

Friday night I received a text at about 2:30 am from my brother-in-law(who has a weather radio) saying turn on the tv and call mom and dad.  So.....the circus began. 

I woke dad up, got a call from a friend, and got dressed all in about 4 minutes.  It was lightning and raining.  I then got in my pickup and headed to get sis#3 and kids.  I noticed my aunt and uncle were still at home which is odd for them to not already be at Grandma's.  I called them too.  Aunt said they were fixin to head out. 

Off we went.  We pretty much went straight to the basement.  Mom was armed with a mask since the last time we had to go down she was sick before we made it out.  While we were sitting down there amongst the canning jars, old coffee pots, and some water, we all chattered about what was going on.  Dad came downstairs to see how we were doing wearing his normal clothes, mud boots, black hat, gun belt, and carrying his bible and an umbrella.  Of course, he had been outside watching the dark sky.  He never packs a gun unless he's headed out to shoot a sick horse.  I asked him if  he was planning on shooting us outta there if the house fell on top of the basement door!  Sister said he was armed for anything!

About that time is when my Mom came up with the statement of the night and possibly the year! 

"We're just a bunch of freaks in a fraidie hole!"

That bout sums it all up!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Fun

We had a big day yesterday!  5 of the 6 nephews were present as well as all 3 nieces.  By the time everyone got home from worship services and ate lunch it was probably 4ish when we got to the egg hunting.  Egg hunting isn't what it use to be!

This generation in my family doesn't hunt the hard boiled eggs colored the night before.  This group of kids hunt plastic eggs with toys, candy, and money inside.   I imagine it is the way with most families these days.  As sis #2 and I were filling these plastic things at about 1am Sat. night I made a rash statement.  I said, "No wonder all the kids in our family are spoiled rotten!  They need to be hunting the eggs they colored til the shells are cracked and falling off then go inside several hours later and make deviled eggs!"

Nobody got sick.  Nobody died.  And we sure didn't get prizes!  She just thought I was cranky(per usual) and said the kids would remember it forever.  I doubt it.

We had about 12 eggs that were so cracked they didn't make the dye cups.  Snort, who is 2, was dropping those poor things into the dye like a bomb from a B-24!  No kidding.  Funny how the smell never changes either.  I'm guessing it's the vinegar.  But combined with the eggs it has a little different whang to it. 

I hope you all  had a fun day too!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Talk

Rosy is almost 5 months old now.  She's grown so much and changed so much.  To my dismay most of her red hair is gone and a lighter fuzz is growing in it's place.  I'm still holding onto a little hope she'll be a real redhead when it all grows back.

One thing that is so much fun is listening to her talk.  She just rambles on and on in that sweet little baby voice!  Sounds like someone we all know(minus the baby voice!).   Even with the pacifier in her mouth she can talk a blue streak.   I wonder what she's saying and thinking.  

Maybe it's, "Who's this weird lady who comes here every day?"  Or possibly, "I wish this crazy woman would just talk to me like a person instead of a puppy!"

Well, I know it's just a matter of time until she's telling me "NO" and "Go Away" like her 2 year old sister does right now. 

I think I'll just enjoy this time while it lasts!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Not Moving

Well....not yet anyway!

I thought I'd try to move this blog to another server.  Couldn't get it done.  Not enough spare time to figure it out.  Not enough drive to make spare time to figure it out.  I'm just gonna stick with what I know for now.

Lot's has happened since I made my exit from here a while back.  And yet, nothing has happened at all.  I know, that doesn't make a lick of sense!

And I have a message for Mr. Shane.......Thanks a million for getting that song in my head!!!  You know what I'm talking about, and it just happens to be one of my favorites!  Though, I just don't know that Ruby and Rosy want to hear it all day!!  Thanks for hanging with me during my absence.  You are a nice boy!

Ok, I'm back.  More to come later.