Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aunt Red's Repair Shop

My washing machine hasn't worked in several months. worked......but it leaked like crazy.  It wasn't bad at first, and I was able to just mop up the little bit of water for quite a while.  Then about Memorial Day it was leaking more than was staying inside.  Or at least it seemed that way. 

I've been bringing my laundry to my brother and sis-in-law's house when I come to watch Ruby.  I'm so grateful they didn't mind and had a front loading, push button, beautifully blue machine!  It's the only reason I've stayed sane.  Well, probably not really sane, but it's the only reason I've had anything clean to wear in the last 3 months! 

One of the bro-in-laws took a look a while back and thought he knew what part was needed to fix the leak.  I finally got the part ordered last week and it came on Saturday.  I printed off some instructions from the internet and got with it last night about 9pm. 

Thankfully, it wasn't too technical and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble.  This was one time though that having bigger set of hands, or maybe just 3 instead of 2, would've been helpful.  I started the water filling before I put the front back on to check for leaks.  I just about did the "bug up my nose crazy dance" when there wasn't water on the floor!!! 

So....if anyone needs any help with their washing me.

However, the price is gonna be SKY HIGH!!!!


  1. Where were your repair services about a month ago when my washer stopped working right?!?!?

  2. You didn't call! I would've been there with my lacking tool box ready to work!!!
