Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aunt Red's Repair Shop

My washing machine hasn't worked in several months. worked......but it leaked like crazy.  It wasn't bad at first, and I was able to just mop up the little bit of water for quite a while.  Then about Memorial Day it was leaking more than was staying inside.  Or at least it seemed that way. 

I've been bringing my laundry to my brother and sis-in-law's house when I come to watch Ruby.  I'm so grateful they didn't mind and had a front loading, push button, beautifully blue machine!  It's the only reason I've stayed sane.  Well, probably not really sane, but it's the only reason I've had anything clean to wear in the last 3 months! 

One of the bro-in-laws took a look a while back and thought he knew what part was needed to fix the leak.  I finally got the part ordered last week and it came on Saturday.  I printed off some instructions from the internet and got with it last night about 9pm. 

Thankfully, it wasn't too technical and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble.  This was one time though that having bigger set of hands, or maybe just 3 instead of 2, would've been helpful.  I started the water filling before I put the front back on to check for leaks.  I just about did the "bug up my nose crazy dance" when there wasn't water on the floor!!! 

So....if anyone needs any help with their washing me.

However, the price is gonna be SKY HIGH!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chasing The Yellow Dog

School started back up last Friday.  Why would anyone schedule school to start on a Friday?  Makes no sense to me!

Anyway, Hoss and Rowdy get on the school bus at the end of the south driveway.  Rowdy's bus comes first at about 6:25.  Then Hoss gets on his bus at about 7. 

I go to pick up Rowdy at about 6:20.  He's not dressed.  He's not up at all!  It doesn't take long to get him dressed and out the door so I thought we were gonna be fine timewise. One problem.  As he's getting in my pickup I hear him say, "My shoe".  I look down and all I see on his right foot is a white sock.  I looked down on the ground and didn't see his shoe.  I followed the path back to his house.  No shoe.  I went back in the house.  No shoe.  I ran back to the pickup and got my flashlight and walked the path again.  No shoe.  I went back to the pickup and found it under the truck.  How'd that happen???

I was in a small panick by this time knowing we were late!  When I made the corner around the end of the house I could see the red lights of the bus in a cloud of dust headed south.  Just then sister called sayin she just saw the bus pull away.  No, really?!?  I was hitting our goat trail driveway at a high lope hoping to catch the bus before they got too far down the road. 

I caught up with them at the next stop abot 2 1/2 miles away.  I saw a kid fixin to get on the bus and was afraid they didn't see us behind them.  I jumped out of the truck and ran up to the front to make sure the driver saw me.  Sure enough, when I got about half way to the front it started rolling.  My flailing arms must've caught somebody's eye because she stopped and opened the door.  I breathlessly said, "I've got Rowdy".  She nonchalantly said, "Okay."   I think she's use to my family chasing the bus down at least once a week!

Rowdy didn't act like anything weird had happened.  That means he's use to it too.  That's kinda scary!  Come to find out, sis and Hoss had to chase his bus down also.  They had to go a little further than I did though.  I think my pickup might go faster than her "getaway van" on a gravel road. 

That was all way more excitement than I needed before 7am.  I had a chat with sis and things will be different tomorrow morning.  I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guess What?????

Forget the wrap! 

The movie's not wrapped!  What was I thinking??? 

Til it's really "in the can" I'll not make any more bold statements like "It's a Wrap"!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Now It's a Wrap.....we hope!

Ok, so I jumped the gun a little yesterday!

I got home from watching Ruby last evening and found out there was another location in town to film this morning. 

Sis #2 and her little herd came over from out west in time for the kids to wardrobe up.

The location was the Carnegie Library in Guthrie.  I've only been inside the Carnegie in the winter so I wouldn't know there is no air conditioning!  Oh my, it was a hot morning!!!  It was only 108 today!!!

We wrapped about noon and headed to eat some pizza.  Unless Papa comes up with another scene that should be the end. 

He won't come up with another scene, will he?????

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's A Wrap

The filming is over.  Wahoo!  Well, I say it's over.  Dad is going out to Western OK to get some wild tracks, or as Hoss calls it "wild turkeys",  for the last scene.  For those of you not familiar with movie lingo, a wild track is basically a voice over. 

Now it is in "post production".  That means Dad is editing.  He'll be done in a week or so.  I'll be posting the link to view this summer blockbuster soon!

I know everyone is anxiously awaiting the premier of "The Archeology Kids"!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

How To Be Humble

Today is Woody's 5th birthday.  He's spending it in the 111 degree heat making the next epic film with his brother, cousins, Mom, and Papa. 

This kid has to be one of the sweetest boys around.  He may also be one of the orneriest boys around.  One of these days we'll be able to put out a book of quotes from this kid.  I'll give you an example.  His Mom, Sis#2, shared this with me a couple days ago. 

The 3 stars of the movie(Buzz, Woody, & Hoss) were standing near the back door at Papa and MaMaw's house waiting to go out to film a scene.  Per usual, they were all arguing about who was going to go out first. 

Woody says to Hoss, "I'll be humble and let you go first!"

Hoss says, "Thanks."

Woody says to Buzz, his older brother,"Will you be humble and let me go second?"

I'm not sure how that turned out, but we all got a laugh out of it!!!