I've mentioned the fact before (I think?) that my Dad, Sis#2, and the kids are making a movie this summer. It started out with just a couple scenes and wound up a short film. Hoss, Woody, and Buzz are the main characters. Little Joe, Rowdy, Snort, and Jessie Jane have small parts. Dad and Sis#2 are the director/cinematographer/wardrobe/location scouts/crafts services/transpo/kid wranglers/horse wranglers/etc.
Just to give you a little insight to working with kids I'll tell you what happened last night.
I got home about 6 from my job watching Ruby. Soon as I walked into my folks house I could tell things were happening. The camera was set up in the dining room which is being used as Buzz's office. Everything had to be set up just like a scene they shot a few weeks ago. It was decided to add Jessie Jane to the cast.
Let me tell you about Jessie Jane. She will be 3 on August 27th. She doesn't like to have barrettes or bows in her hair. However, she loves to wear dresses! And the fluffier the better. I think she might want to wear those square dancing dresses when she grows up!! But trying to get a big pink bow in her hair for the scene wasn't exactly a picnic! Sis#2 had been trying to make the bow when I got home. Somehow this got turned over to me. Probably because she needed to get 4 boys wardrobed and ready to go. Anyway, I worked on it for about 10 minutes and thought I had it perfect. I then went to show the director(my Dad). His response was, "Not exactly what I had in mind."
Needless to say I was a little frustrated. I might not have been except a comment was made that it was wardrobes job to handle such a thing. Well, I can tell you that didn't sit well with this frustrated hairdresser!!!!!!
Finally, Sis #2 showed back up and the two of us finally got it right.
Time to shoot. First take was a dud. However, second take was pretty good. We were hoping to get one more just to have a back up in case there was something wrong. One problem.......Jessie Jane sulled up! I promised ice cream. We gave her Smarties. I talked nice to her. I talked mean to her. None of it worked. In the middle of all this Snort, who is 19 months, had a meltdown in the old timey high chair and had to get out for a minute. This didn't help the situation with Jessie Jane.
Dad took the camera to the computer, plugged it in, and took a look. They got what they needed to make the scene work. I was very relieved!
So........if one is contemplating making any type of movie with kids here's my advice:
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I instinctively knew never to make a movie with kids but your narrative has reinforced my decision. Thanks