Friday, September 3, 2010

I think I'm gonna make it!

Ok kids, it's been a long couple weeks!

I have a few things to add to my "40" things list. I don't know if the list is even close to 40, but since I'm gonna be 41 in a few weeks time is running short. And at this point I really don't care anyway.

Last week I wound up in the Emergency Room at the small hospital in my hometown. I had flu like symptoms and broke out in a rash over most of my body that was different from the other rashes I'd had in the past. So, too town we went!

After a couple hours of tests, a shot, some pills, and a few other things I won't mention, I was sent home feeling a little better. My Mom and Dad were the lucky one's hauling me around. On the way home at 11:45 pm we ran through McDonald's to get a snack. Actually, I was starving! I'd had nothing but some crackers, Sprite, and water all day. I had a happy meal and was ready for some sleep!

The doc called it "serum sickness". Never heard of it. Apparantly, when one has too much medication in their system that doesn't agree with one, this can happen. I figured that the worst part was over. WRONG! Saturday morning I woke up after my long 2 hours sleep to find the rash was worse. My face was red and swollen. Not a pretty sight!

I hiked up to the folks house to get on the internet to find some answers. I googled "serum sickness" and found out some info. The rash was actually getting better when I thought it was getting worse. I had all the symptoms too a tee. I guess the doc was right. I'm now in the process of just getting stronger. I've noticed I need more sleep than before. There are a few faded red spots on my arms and neck, but they're not bothering me. I have lost a few pounds. WAHOO!

Now, about the "40" list. Here's the additions:

Rode in a wheel chair.

Wore a hospital gown. (not my favorite wardrobe choice!)

Got an ultrasound of my leg. Very interesting!
Ate a Happy Meal at midnight and loved it!

Got a shot of steroids. I hope the governement won't want to question me about this. I wouldn't want to wind up like Roger Clemens. Course, he lied. That's what caused his big problems!

Well, I think that's it. I hope all of you have a great Labor Day weekend and don't have to "labor"!!!


  1. You poor thing! Hope you're feeling better and that you have a good weekend too. We really need to get together soon...that is, when you're feeling up to it!

  2. I'm so glad you're doing better! Miss you!

  3. Alicia, that sounds so horrible! I hope that things are clearing up for you. What on earth were you taking? Hey, I'm also on steroids. My asthma along with seasonal allergies are acting up again. It's amazing how just one dose of the stuff can make me feel 80% better. I thought I was headed to the ER, too!

  4. Okay...I figured your "40" list would be hard for you...but this is a ridiculous way to add to it. We could have come up with something better. Yikes!!!
