Saturday, August 14, 2010

Health Report

Hello everyone! Thank you for the kind notes this week!!

Here's an update: I feel like such a whimp!!!!

Actually, I am doing better. This cough thing that has been running around our family though is the pitts. I think I'm over the leg thing. I'm still a little itchy around my neck, but surely that'll go away soon!

My Dad and brother left for Colorado early this morning. So, I'm "feed girl" for the week. By the time I got done this morning I was toast. This evening I split up the north and south barns by about an hour. That helped. I guess I've lost a lot of my strength just laying around trying to get well. I bet by the end of the week I'll be back to normal!!

A cool front has moved through and given us a break from the oppressive heat. Wahoo!!

Have a great week y'all!


  1. You are NOT a wimp.

    Glad you're feeling better.

  2. So glad you are feeling better! And I agree with are NOT a wimp. With the heat we have been having I think we all feel like wimps just walking outside. :)
