Friday, July 9, 2010

Brother's Birthday

I missed writing about my brother's birthday. It's not that I forgot his birthday, I just didn't write about it. It was a couple days ago. He turned 33. That's unbelievable! How could my brother, who I took care of when he was little be 33!

Last night we gathered at our favorite local Mexican spot to celebrate. There were only a few of us, but we had a nice time. When we were leaving I told brother and dad that I didn't even remember 33. All night that bothered me. While I was doing some work I brought home I was pondering this subject. I still couldn't remember what was happening in my life at the age of 33.

Today, while at work, I was oiling some pieces of tack. This particular job gives me time to think since it's basically a no brainer. The answer to the question finally popped into my head! I was so glad! That year, the year before I became "Aunt Red", I was the caregiver for my great uncle. He moved her from Texas and lived with my Grandma who lives here on the place.

I think the reason I couldn't remember 33 was that that year is sometimes a blurr. There was a lot going on! I think it might've have been a trial run for when my parents are elderly and in need of care, which I hope is many years from now! Not that I don't want to care for them, but they are still too young for that.

Anyway, 33 seems like a long time ago now! That was 6 nephews and 2 nieces ago!!!!!

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