Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Mom

I haven't talked much about my Mom in the year I've been writing this lovely blog. I think it's because she's not the drama magnet of the family. The drama seems to follow my Dad and many others whether they want it or not.

A few days ago Mom felt yucky when she got to work. Later in the afternoon the nurses in her office took her down to the Emergency Room. First, she tested positive for strep. Then, second, the ER doc said her heart had irregular beats and a lot of them. We found out about this first back in early February. I kinda thought it had been lined out with some new medication. Wrong! They ran more tests and found she has a leaky valve in the middle of the heart that pumps blood from one side to the other. Apparantly, this valve can repair itself if the irregular beats will go back to normal. She started a new medication and it already seems to be helping. She spent a couple days in the hospital so they could moniter her heart and now she's home and resting. Or at least she should be resting!

Since I'm a person who is an "optimist with experience", aka pessimist, I started having thoughts of what life would be like without my Mom. I'm not liking the sound of that at all. Even though I tell her often that I love her, I don't think she could even come close to knowing how much we all need her and love her. All the "Happy Mother's Day" cards ever made couldn't say it get the point across.

She says she feels better already and I'm so glad of that!! So everyone give your mom's a hug. They deserve it!!!


  1. This brings tears to my eyes...I'm praying for her...

  2. Awww....I can't imagine life without my Mom either. So glad she is feeling better!

  3. This one made me cry. Thanks for the reminder. The things we take for granted!!! Need to be sure not to do that. Glad your mom is doing better. And Mom...I love you!!!

  4. I've been very emotional lately, and missing my Mom! Hugs to your mom and I hope things are improving for her!!

    Please don't quit writing your blog. I love reading it,it helps to close the miles that are between us! :-)
