Monday, August 24, 2009

The Mouse Hunt

I'm gonna start calling Hoss "The Great Mouse Hunter".

Saturday night Hoss stayed with me. I had told him that I had seen a mouse the night before in the living room and we needed to set some traps. He was all over that! We got that done and he was watching some cartoons while I was ironing my clothes for worship Sunday morning. All of a sudden he said "I saw a mouse!" Then the big hunt was on. I told him it might've been my shadow that was moving around. He was sure it was a mouse. Well, he was right. A minute or two later the little beggar ran from under my trunk/coffee table back to under the chair from whence he came. Not long after that he shot across the living room floor under the tv table and went down along the wall missing a couple traps along the way. At this point Hoss is looking for the rodent and I'm up on the edge of the recliner. What is it about these little mooches that puts me in a chair? Why can I kill a poinsonous snake and not think twice, but a mouse freaks me out? These are questions I'll ask my therapist, well, I don't have a therapist, but I'm sure someday I'm sure I'll be in need of one.

So, anyway, the little turkey ran into the kitchen, in front of the fridge, and down the side of the wall. I soon went and moved one of the missed traps in the living room to the spot next to the fridge. Everything calmed down after that.

Hoss checked the traps a couple more times before we went to bed. Sometime during the night I heard a snap. I didn't go check, but I heard it. Hoss woke up at 7:30 Sunday morning saying he needed to check the traps. I told him to get the flash light. We started back tracking over all the traps. He missed the one by the front door, but I could see it was turned over. I told him he better come back here with the light. When he saw it he said, "That must've been the nocturnal mouse!"

I'm fairly certain he'll have his own wildlife show someday!!! And I can't wait til he goes to school today and tells his teacher that his Aunt Red had a mouse in her house and we caught it with a trap and there was blood on the floor. Oh well, hopefully it won't make the paper!!

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