Tuesday, May 19, 2009

About being an Aunt

So, I guess I've decided that being an aunt is the best thing ever. I have 5 nephews ages 5-2, and one lovely niece who's 8 months. They are all so special in their own way! I've always loved kids, but I wasn't prepared for how much I would love being called "Aunt Red". One of my sister's, sis #3, came up with that title. Obviously, I have red hair, but I also have a sis-in-law with a name similar to mine. Sis #3 thought it would be easier for the kids to understand I guess. Well, it has stuck.
One of the funniest things was when my oldest nephew, we'll call him Hoss, and I were talking one day and I asked him if he knew why they called me Aunt Red. He didn't know. I said that it was because my hair was red. He was probably 3 1/2 or 4 at the time. Hoss said that my hair wasn't redand that it was kinda a brown color. He's so sensible! I'm so glad my hair's not the color of a fire truck!!!!!

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