Saturday, January 29, 2011

Buzz and Red Lobster

Buzz has an uncle on his dad's side who had a birthday yesterday.  Happy Birthday Uncle Ryan! 

Uncle Ryan wanted to meet up with the family at Red Lobster.  Buzz asked him if he was sure he wanted to go to Red Lobster.  And then he said again, "Do you want to go to Red Lobster or............Burger King?" 

Uncle Ryan replied, "How about you go to Burger King for your birthday?" 

I guess Burger King is way more appealing to a 4 year old boy than shrimp and Boston Iced tea!!!!

That sounds really good right now!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Very Disappointed

Aunt Rudolph missed the party!

I was too sick to go.  It didn't matter about the nose.  I'm not that vain!  It was more about running a fever and being contagious.  I was so sad when I called my brother Friday around noon to tell him I wasn't coming I started crying.  That doesn't happen very often.  Y'all know that.  My sister says I have the ol' stone heart.  I don't think that's completely true!  I have to admit it is true a little though.  When it comes to things like missing a birthday party though, I can't handle it!!! 

Sis#2 wasn't able to come over either.  The bad weather in eastern OK kept her and her kiddos away.  So, we are planning party #2 for Ruby.  All the Aunt's who didn't get to attend the big bash will have a smaller version in a few weeks. 

Ruby won't know the difference, but it'll make us feel better!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aunt Rudolph

I've been sick all week.  It hit me Monday afternoon and I've been in the house since.  I'm starting to dislike my humble abode.  The only time I'm really here is when I'm sick.  Does that mean something???

Ruby's birthday was the 12th.  It's rare that our family has a birthday party actually on the birthday these days.  I think it's always been that way.

Tomorrow night is Ruby's birthday party.  My nose is very, very red.  I have been saying all week that I would be at Ruby's 1st birthday party if I have to sit in the corner all by myself with a mask on my face.  I don't think I'm contagious, but I think my nose could light up the room all by it's lonesome!!!

Nobody will care, will they? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Love Dove!

Anyone heard of Dove chocolate?  It's yummy!

Today I was in the house with a  little sinus thing.  I was checking out some websites looking for a job.  What a joke!  So......I thought I could use a piece of chocolate.  That always makes me feel better.  And then I thought, "How 'bout another!" 

The little note on the inside of the Dove wrappers is always so much fun to read.  The first one I unwrapped read "Believe in Yourself."  I could use some help with that!

The second little note read "Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances." 

I really needed that!!!!!!!!!  The chocolate wasn't bad either!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Monday Afternoon

This afternoon Rowdy and Jessie Jane are staying with me.  Hoss had a dr. appointment down in the City.   Jessie Jane is napping and Rowdy is watching a cartoon older than both of us times 2!  He loves those. 

A little earlier I could hear him playing back in the kids room.  I was wondering what was goin on so I just peeked in the door.  He had all the toys out of the toy box and was inside.  Next thing  I know he's shutting the lid.  Now, this toy box isn't that big, but it kinda looks like a camel back trunk so it has a little height in the lid.  When he shut the door I called out his name.  His reply was, "Nobody's home!"  I just laughed.  Then I knocked on the lid.  He said, "Come in!"  I guess someone was home after all.

Right now he has a big ol' black eye from a wrestling match with his big brother Hoss.  Rowdy isn't intimidated by Hoss's giant physique in the least.  Last week when it was freezing cold I wandered by their house while I was out helping with chores.  I peeked in the window and it looked like a match from the WWF was going on inside.  I waved and said hi and then they were at it again.  Hence the big ol' black eye! Apparantly, Rowdy took a bad fall onto the bedpost.  Yikes!

There won't be any wrestling matches today!  Aunt Red doesn't need a black eye!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Love Story

No......this isn't about me! 

I think that Ranger the cat is in love with Spring the dog!  He follows her around all the time.  If she leaves the porch, he leaves the porch.  If she jumps in the back of my pick-up, he jumps in the back of my pick-up.  I saw them rubbing noses on the back porch at my folks house yesterday. 

I don't quite know what to think about this.  I don't want Spring to think that just because I'm an old maid she has to be one also! We'll see how long it lasts.  If she's anything like her won't last long!

I do know one thing, Indy doesn't feel the same about Spring as his brother.  You know there's that line that one just doesn't cross.  Indy is way more into chasing mice, rats, and gophers.  He'll be the old bachelor of the two I imagine. 

Right now I wish Ranger would tell her to hush!  Maybe she'd listen to him!!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Ruby!!!

Today is my niece's 1st birthday.  She is a very sweet little red headed girl!  I can't believe it's been a year since we got that call at 2am from my brother saying he and my sis-in-law were headed to the hospital.  Where does the time go?

Snort is only 28 days older than Ruby.  However, he's just about double the size.  He has 13 teeth.  She has 2 1/2(one is trying to bust through).  He started crawling at about 6 months and she didn't til 10.  He weighs a good 10 pounds more.  He's just a big ol' kid.  Funny thing is she can out eat him like crazy!  What's that about???  When we had our big family gathering at Christmas Snort kept trying to get close to Ruby and see what she was all about.  She wanted no part of it!  If he got within 10 feet of her she would start crying.  I think she was just scared of the massive kid standing before her!!!!  I know I am. 

It would be great if she stayed scared of boys til she was 25.  I know that's what my brother is thinking!  I'm fairly certain the boys will be scared of him.  He's already planning the scare tactics  for the potential boyfriends like it's a military operation! 

I'm sure as soon as she turns on the charm ol' dad will wilt.  That never worked on my dad, but maybe she'll have better luck.  I found out when I was about 25 and dateless that it wasn't my dad that the boys around here were afraid of.  Apparently, the sister's and I were the one's that were scary!  I guess the shooting, riding, and knife carrying stuff wasn't appealing.  I would imagine Ruby will be riding and shooting better than any of her aunt's.  My brother won't have anything to worry about.  Ruby will be able to take care of herself!!

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Corn Bag Lady

I don't think I've done much "promoting" through this blog.  I guess I'm starting now.

A friend of my brother's started this program to help people in need.  She is a team roper and our family has known her and her family for about 25 years.  They are good people!

My mom ordered a few of these corn bags.  They are well made, cute, and work great!

You can see these items at 

By purchasing a corn bag you will get something to sooth aches and pains and help someone in need!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Changes

So.....I thought I'd try to change up the look of the ol' blog.  It's going about as well as all the other changes in my life right now!  Slow!!!

I'm trying to figure out the picture thing.  With some help from my second cousin, who is a major computer whiz, I might eventually get it to work.  If he gets sick of my computer illiteracy I may just have to skip the pics!!!

Now, a little more info about Snort and his tooth count.  After the momumental 1-1-11 eleventh tooth, the following day #12 and #13 decided to bust through.  Poor guy can't catch a break! 

Let me know what y'all think about the changes so far.  There's no going back now.  I lost the old template.
No surprise there! 

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Acting Debut

In the months of September and October I helped my Dad and his cousin on a short film they wrote, directed, and pretty much everything else that goes along with it. It turned out pretty good we think.

My jobs on this film included the following:

Craft services (snacks)
Catering (lunch)
Set decoration
Small part as " The Receptionist"
Horse Wrangler
Traffic director

This is how things go on a low budget film. One never knows exactly what their job will be. I will explain a couple things though.

First, I don't know anything about make-up and especially movie make-up. That was interesting!

Second, I'm not an aspiring actress. The part I played was the receptionist. I, basically, just had to ramble on mostly like I usually do on the telephone. The time period for this flick is 1959. It was kinda fun taking a step back in time.

Third, here's how the soldier thing went down. We were filming a flashback scene involving a cannon, a horse, and infantry out here at our place. Our infantry soldiers wound up having a car wreck on the way out here. They were all ok, but we had to film the scene anyway because our Teddy Roosevelt actor was only here for the afternoon. So......sis#4 and I put on the uniform and hauled the gun. Had I known how out of focus and far away I was in the finished product I wouldn't have worried so much about anyone being able to tell I'm not a male infantry soldier!!!

This was definitely a learning experience for all of us. I'm not a fan of being in front of the camera. I only did this because my Dad made me. Funny how that hasn't change too much since I was a 9 year old newbie trick roper and was told we were doing a new act and I was in it! You'd think things would change now that I'm 41!!!

If you'd like to watch our 22 minute film you may do so at:

Check it out!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's January 1st! Can you believe it? My Aunt called last night to wish us Happy New Year before they went to bed. I think it was about 8:30. I didn't make it to midnight either. That's not the point though. She said, " I was just writing the date and realized tomorrow is 1-1-11." I hadn't even realized it.

Today Sis#2 send me a text saying that Snort got his 11th tooth today. I'm wondering if 11 might be his lucky number. If I believed in that stuff I might jump on that.

So........Happy New Year! May we all have a safe, prosperous, and healthy 2011. Snort is the most prosperous and healthy of us so far.

I'd settle for 1 outta 3!!!