Friday, October 30, 2009

I missed P-Dub!!

Since Feb. of this year I've been following The Pioneer Woman on her website. She's done a cookbook that was just released this week. OKC was the second stop on her book signing tour and I missed it!!! I'm trying my best not to be so disappointed I can't function, but it's taking all my might.

Here's what happened.

Last Sunday I went to early worship service in Edmond because I needed to be to work by 10am. After I left the church building I had a few minutes left over so I went to Target. I picked up a few things for lunch. Apparantly the kettle cooked potato chips I purchased were laced with something I am allergic to. By Sunday night I had a little itchy rash on my hands. Now, my hands are very dry and cracked so it's kinda hard to tell if something's really wrong with them. By Monday when I had another round of these tasty chips I started getting the same itchy rash on my chin and jawline. It hasn't left yet. At this point I haven't figured out yet that the chips are the problem. I'm taking all the Benadryl I can during the day and still be functional and it's barely helping. I don't know why, but on Tuesday I didn't have any of these chips. Well, Wednesday rolls around and about 3pm I'm feeling like a snack. I whip out the bag of chips and have a few. In about 30 minutes my chin and hands are itching like crazy!! That's the moment when it all came to me. I don't know if it's the oil used or the potato used, but these things aren't ever gonna get a place on my snack list again!! As a matter of fact, I might not have a chip for a while at all.

So, now to the sad part. By the time I got off work yesterday I wasn't feeling too bad, but was afraid that if I went to the book signing I might all of a sudden break out in a itchfest right there in front of my hero! Sure enough, about 6:30 it hit and I was standing in front of the fan trying to cool off my face. It would've been so embarrassing!!!!

Oh well, maybe someday I'll win a trip to The Pioneer Woman's lodge for a cooking demo or something. If that happens, I'll only eat food I'm positive isn't gonna turn me into a horror flick chick!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Miss Little Joe!

Since sis#4, bro-in-law#3, and Little Joe moved up North I've not seen them much. I'm really missing them all, but mostly, I'm missing Little Joe! He started school and I wasn't there to see any of it. He rode Doodle Bug, the horse Papa gave him, for the first time and I didn't get to see it. He was in the hospital for a couple days and I didn't get to go. I'm feeling a little sorry for myself over all this!

I realize that aunt's aren't really typically so involved in their nephew's/niece's lives, but I'm not a typical aunt! They were all suppose to come down a couple weekend's ago for Woody and sis#2's birthdays, but Little Joe was sickly again so they had to cancel. I was so disappointed!!

So, looks like it'll be Thanksgiving before we see them. That will be the longest run in his short life that I've not seen him. I'm gonna try to get over it and not dwell, but I'm not making any promises!!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, it is my favorite holiday of all time! I love to smell everything cooking on that great Thursday morning. I always get up really, really early and start the bird smoking. A couple years ago it didn't get quite done and we had the smoked bird for supper, but sis#2 saved the day by cooking one in her roaster/smoker thing. It was good, but the one on the grill with mesquite wood can't be beat!

Funny how the thought of food can make all better in the world!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Move

Anything I ever do never goes according to plan. I'm not sure why I try to plan. It is one of the mysteries I'd liked solved before I die.

I thought I was going to get most everything moved from the old house to the new last weekend. That's what's called dillusions of grandeur! What actually happened was we(bro-in-law #1 and I) got the old stuff stored in the new house moved into my old house. The old house is going to be used for prop/wardrobe storage for my dad's business. So, in order for the carpet to get cleaned in the new living room, the old stuff had to be moved. The only place to put it was in my old house. Problem being I haven't moved anything out of the old house yet. I cleaned out a small area where the dining room table had been thinking it would be big enough. WRONG! I'll just say there was a path through the house by the time we got it all in.

Long story short, nothing got moved except what I hauled down in the back of my pickup Monday night after dark. I'll just keep at it til I get help to move the big stuff. Thankfully, I still have a place to sleep and only 1 house payment!!

Absolutely nothing has gone the way I thought it would. Which is exactly how my whole life has been. One would think I'd get use to that!!!

Maybe someday but probably not.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mud and Sunshine

Yesterday the sun peeked out for a little while. I was shocked! It's been so long since we've seen the rays. I'm talking 2 weeks at least. There's so much mud around here it's gonna take a while to dry out. It's gone from really slick to the sticky stage now.

Last night Hoss & family was out so he went to the barn with me. He didn't bring his mud boots so I thought we'd see how mine fit him. They came up over his knees and are probably 6 in. too long,but he kept them on. He got stuck out in the middle of a huge mudhole out east of the barn. I had to help him out. Been there, done that! A couple nights ago I was in so deep I felt my leg separating from my hip joint when I was trying to move. No joke! I felt a chiropractic visit coming on.

I'm so glad we painted my new laundry room "Wheat Penny". When I come in the back door and accidently bump the wall with my boots no one will ever know!

Speaking of the new house, I've shanghaied two of my bro's-in-law to helping me move some furniture on Sat. I did promise them their own pie at Thanksgiving, but I'd say that's a small price to pay for some manual labor!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sis #2's Birthday

Today is my sister's birthday. This would be sis #2 who is younger than me by two years. She's the mother of Woody and Buzz and new baby coming in Dec. Oh yeah, she's married to the park ranger guy! I always forget about him!!

We have always been very close. She's the person I would hope I could someday be. She's kind, slow to anger, confident, and a haystacking machine! The last thing there is brought up nearly every time I go to see our hay man. She happened to go with me once probably 6 or 7 years ago to get a load and he's not let me forget he thought she was a better stacker than I am. I know this is true so I don't get too aggrivated.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Sis #2!
I love you!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Wild Wagon Ride

Well, those who know my dad know that this could only happen to him and everything work out ok.

A couple days ago dad was heading towards town with a load of props for a little movie thing he's doing for a Swiss guy who has a ranch north of here. He had the stock trailer hooked on the truck, and the 16ft. flatbed trailer hooked onto the back of it hauling a chuckwagon. He's hauled this type of rig all over the country, literally, and never had problems. This was a different day!

He made it to the highway and was turning to get on the on ramp when he sees the flatbed trailer in the side mirror, and it's not hooked to the stock trailer any longer. He immediately pulls over and turns on his flashers. As he's jumping out of the truck he calls his brother and tells him he needs him to bring his pickup. The flatbed trailer is headed down the grassy hill towards a major highway! As dad is running down the hill he keeps hoping it will roll so it won't get to the road. It made a little curve and stayed up. It keeps heading towards the road. There's a little bit of an incline close to the road and the hitch got stuck in the ground. The trailer stopped with only about a foot in the lane. Dad got there quickly and started waving people over to the other lane. His brother showed about 10 min. after he got the call and backed up to the trailer. They headed on into town to the Wal-Mart parking lot and dad hooked back up.

Apparantly, he hadn't put the receiver hitch in the hole right. How he made it all the way to that spot is a wonder to all of us. The road to that spot from our place is very windy and hilly. He said he'd be a little more careful next time. He made it to his appointment with the Swiss dude only about 30 minutes late. Needless to say they all got a chuckle out of it since it all ended ok.

Can you imagine the people driving by and seeing that wagon headed down that hill? Oh my lands!!!

I'm so glad I knew nothing of this til it was all over!!! I'd have had a stroke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

40 New Things

I have a new project. Thankfully, I'll have nearly a year to complete this thing and I've already begun!

We had a roping gig a couple years ago and this lady wanted to spin a rope. No big deal, that happens all the time. She said during her 50th year she wanted to keep a list of 50 things she'd never done before. Spinning a rope was gonna be on her list.

I thought that was a great idea and thought I might keep that in mind for my 40th year. I kinda forgot about it since I was completely trying to keep any thoughts of turning 40 out of my head. Now that the birthday is come and gone that lady and what she said popped into my head. I can't remember when, but probably sometime when I was watch Baby Einstein for the 100th time this weekend when I was helping MaMaw with Rowdy and Jessie Jane.

So far here's the list:

1. Hiked up a mountain. ( personally, I think this should count for 2)
2. Painted my new house. (my friends did all of the work, but I helped)
3. Bought house insurance. (they can't all be fun)

So, I have 37 things to go, but I have 10 more months to make it happen!! I'm gonna try to improve on #3. If they're all like that it's gonna be a long year!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Dissenigrating Diaper

How many of you have had a diaper flat fall to pieces? Not while you're wearing it, of course, but while a kid was wearing it and it was your job to change it. Oh my lands!

Yesterday, Rowdy was staying out here at the place while his folks, that would be sis#3 and husband, were at a retreat thing. I'm not sure if it was the wild riding on Trigger, or if it was just a defective piece of plastic, but this diaper just fell apart. All of a sudden Rowdy goes over by his MaMaw and says, "UhOh!". We thought he'd just leaked out some. Which has happened before when the overseers are lax in their changing of the diaper. When I pulled down his sweatpants those little bead things went everywhere. And I'm not exaggerating! I was trying to figure out the best way to handle it and I only gotten about 3 seconds into the process when Rowdy was ready to get that thing off. I just stripped him right there in the living room. I didn't figure it would help to trail all that stuff to the bathroom.

Anyway, I got him cleaned and dressed and then proceeded to clean up the rest of the mess. I love a good sweeper!! So what if they little bead things were soaked with "you know what." There was no other way to get that done. I needed a rest when that was over!!!!

And I'll need a bigger one when he and Jessie Jane go home this evening!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jessie Jane and Josie

Yesterday my sis, that would be sis #3, came to to my place of employment with Jessie Jane. Who just happens to be my only niece, at least for the time being. Sis #3 also brought Chinese food and that was an added bonus!

So, my employers have a great short-haired Border Collie named Josie. Josie is famous for her ball rolling techniques! I'm talking some people walk in the front door and ask for her immediately. One family made a special trip here to see her and she was on vacation. Bad deal!

Josie loves kids and grown ups, but mostly she loves her ball! She's very accurate with her rolling also. I guess it's very unusual for dog to roll a ball back to a person when the person has kicked the ball to the dog. Get that? Jessie Jane met Josie for the first time yesterday. Jessie Jane is 14 months old. She loves dogs! Every time she sees my dog Spring she starts jumping and gets all excited. The things about Josie is she's very particular about which ball is being used. There are several laying around the shop here. There's even a stuffed reindeer from last Christmas. If she brings a ball to you for you to kick, that's the one she wants. If you try to fake her out with another one it won't work. Jessie Jane didn't understand this. Yesterday the ball of choice was a small hard rubber ball. Ya know, the typical dog ball. There's also a couple of larger lightweight balls around. Jessie Jane decided she wanted to play with one of those. It was easier for her to pick up one handed and toss. Well, she thought the ol' ball in the mouth thing was a good idea. Once or twice I caught her trying to put the ball in her mouth like Josie. YIKES! I ran and got a baby wipe and cleaned her mouth out. I told my dad, her Papa, about this. He had a fit.

Now, my question is this, I don't remember him giving a rip if we put a ball in our mouths! I remember vividly him puttin gasoline on his fingers to get bubble gum off of my face when I was little. Maybe that's why my skin on my upper lip is a weird red color now. I hadn't thought of that before!

Yes, I know, things are different for the grandbabies!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Remodel

I think I mentioned once before that I'm going to be movin into my sister's old mobile home. Actually, we call them house trailer's, but mobile home doesn't sound so "redneck". Anyway, sister and family have been out of it since April. It has since been kinda used as a storage unit. My dear traveling buddies are helping me paint/decorate this new hut. I'm goin for the " on the outside it's a house trailer, but when you walk in the door you'd never know it" look. So, gone are all the weirdo mirrors by the big bathtub. What's up with that????? I've spent the last 2 nights cleaning, taking off the switch/outlet covers, and cleaning red dirt off the baseboards. I've got more of that to do tonight.

When we're finished I'm hoping for a lovely, homey feeling spot for myself and whoever comes to visit. Which will likely be only family and my painting friends. I'm good with that.

I've been planning where my Christmas tree will go for a month now. I'm hoping I get that officially decided before Dec. 24th. I've also been planning flower beds and rock gardens. I love the way my friend Char has her flower beds outside her house. It's very rustic and haphazard! I love that!! I believe she has the greenest thumb I've ever seen.

Anyway, I'm ready to get it all done and move in. I guess patience isn't my best virtue!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

There's No Place Like Home!!!

Well, the wandering girls are back home. We had a great trip!!! I love Colorado. It's beautiful and the weather was perfect. Even on the cold day it was perfect. I'll always be glad I had the chance to take a trip like this for my 40th birthday with 4 wonderful friends.

Speaking of my 4 wonderful friends, they took me on a hike up the mountain on Friday. OH MY LANDS!!! I thought I was goin to die! And that was just when we were in the Jeep trying to get to the trail head! I think that was the roughest ride I've ever been on. So then the hike began. I was just about ready to throw in the towel, or my vest, or something when Sage and Tera were telling me I could make it for the hundredth time. I went a few more feet and heard Sarah holler telling us she and Anna had made it. It wasn't much farther. Let's just say that every ounce of me was in pain. I think my hair was out of breath! When I made it up to the destination spot I flopped down on a rock and rested for a little bit. When I thought I might live I started looking around. What a sight! How could anyone not believe in God after seeing his beautiful world?

We ate a sandwich(thank you Sarah) and wrote in the guest book at the old cabin. I then called sister #2 and told her we'd made it. Mostly I wanted to talk to someone who was at a normal elevation and not the 11,000 feet where I was sitting trying to get some feeling back in my legs.

I'm so glad they made me go. I'm so glad I was able to have that amazing experience. I'm not sure I'll ever try that again!!!!!!! You know when a mother has just given birth and the pain is horrible? By the time she holds the baby she forgets all the agony she'd just gone through. Well, I don't know that I'll be able to forget how my legs felt like they were gonna just blow off my body. I don't know that I'll be able to forget the way my left calf kept trying to lock up when we got home. I don't think I'll be able to forget the ride up the goat trail in the Jeep. Not that I'm trying to compare our hike up the mountain to childbirth! How stupid would that be?

Let's just say I love Oklahoma! I love our sunrises and our sunsets. I love my dog! I love living out in the sticks where we can't get high speed internet service. I love the muddy road to my house. I love knowing which way is North!

I'll say it again, there's no place like home! Right Dorothy????

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cold in Colorado

Hey y'all,
The beautiful weather has changed to cold and windy! It snowed most of last night with no accumulation. Most of the day it snowed but the sun was out. Kinda weird. I guess it was blowing in from somewhere.

We met up with a friend of Anna's tonight at a pizza place near here. Yummy. Everywhere we've been so far has been great.

If the weather allows I guess we're gonna try the hiking thing again. Then it'll be time to start getting ready to head back home. I'm ready to see Oklahoma. Vacation is great, but all good things must end.

So, I guess I'll go for now.